Week 17:it's cold up north!! - Weight Loss Support

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Week 17:it's cold up north!!

β€’13 Replies

Hi all,

Hope everyone is feeling good.

Weigh in this week and a 1/2 Ib down. Looking back I've had more carbs then should and less fruit/veg so need to re-jig food. It's been really wet, cold and miserable so I need to be thinking about more warming meals. Thank you to all that supply the ideas/recipes for me to try.

Squat challenge going well (only on day 4 but doing it !!) even did extra when had been to my circuit classπŸ˜‡. My motivation is my holiday and more toned legs (I hope) lol.

No plans for the weekend, just nice and easy.

Have a great week everyone


13 Replies

Congrats on losing 1/2lb, that's still a loss and therefore a respectable achievement. It shows you are doing well, and if you are having too much carbs/too little fruit and veg, then you only need to make a slight adjustment to see a better result next week. I agree about colder weather affecting food choices. I'm in the south but wearing a jumper and hugging a hot mug of coffee at the moment, so it's not much better here. I think it'll soon get harder to convince myself that salad is a satisfying lunch. But I think salads can be adapted to cold weather. Dave1961 is emerging from winter over on the other side of the world, and he's been having some amazing salads. Maybe stronger flavours are the answer...

in reply to

Hi Ruth,

Been shopping and going to do a bit of cooking, veg soup, a veg curry and a chilli, will freeze into portions and ready to go!!

Squats going well, did 10 yesterday, legs hurting a bit but have been out with the dog and feeling ok, so thank you for the challenge I think lol.

Sun shining but still a bit cold but meeting my sister and having a walk along the Quayside with a coffee thrown in !!

Happy squatting lol


Candystripe profile image

Well done Flossie. 1/2lb is great news.

Yes it has been cold and miserable and almost time to start brewing those healthy soups that will last a couple of days or frozen down to alternate with different "soups of the day". I will sometimes have one of those sandwich thins toasted with my soup and although less than 100 calories the whole lunch can be quite filling. Also when it's cold I will put my fruit in the microwave which also gives a nice warm feeling (apples especially and sprinkled with cinnamon!)

Great work with your circuit training and squat challenge. You will be building them up in no time by the sounds of it and getting those legs ready for your holiday.

Enjoy your weekend and sure you will find things to do to keep you occupied :)

in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Been shopping and going to make some soup, bought weight watcher mag and there's some nice food in it.

I bought a pkt of the thins so will give them a try they seem not as stodgy as bread although I love crusty multi seeded yum lol.

Legs hurting a bit but ok, off to meet sister and a walk along the Quayside well wrapped of course lol.

Have a good weekend and good weigh in.


Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to

You are a star Flossie.

Enjoy making your soup and a walk along the quayside sounds idyllic.

See you here Monday. X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Flossie,

Congratulations on losing 0.5 pound this week. That's really good, and glad to hear the squat challenge is going really well too. Those toned legs will be looking good for your holiday, with all those squats. Really good!

Enjoy your nice relaxing weekend - 'nice and easy' sounds really good.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal,

Its all going good, legs hurting a bit but that's the price to pay lol.

Have a lovely weekend, catch up on Monday.


trafford1 profile image

Hi flossie, hope you have enjoyed your day so far and looking forward to that nice and easy weekend, ahhh how lovely that sounds :-)

Well done on losing a 1/2 pound this week that is really good. I know what you mean about the carbs they can get the better of us on occasions. I have been measuring everything this week and not over cooked a single strand of pasta or gain of rice, it all gets put into a measuring cup now and I am enjoying it. This is something I have recently introduced as I really am watching every calorie.

It is great to hear you are keeping up with the squat challenge, I have been doing it too since Ruth posted it LOL and it's good fun. If there's one thing we can all do it's squats morning noon or night and hope you achieve that even more toned look for your hols chick :-)

Your doing great

Trafford1 x

in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Know what you mean about measuring, it can be a pain but worth it.

Glad you are in the challenge as well, the more the merrier, pity we could not all meet up and do an en masses final squat challenge imagine lol.

Glad things going great guns your end, I'm replying backwards as not had time yesterday !!

Catch up soon

πŸ˜‡ x

Portlandprincess profile image

Hi Flossie, half pound in the right direction! Go you! Sounds like a lovely weekend aheadπŸ˜„

in reply to Portlandprincess

Hi PP,

Thanks, doing ok slow and steady wins the race eh lol.

Have a lovely weekend.


Down, down, deeper n down...... weight and squats, wayhey!! 😊

in reply to


Hurts though !!!


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