Well today has been a real eye opener for me, I realised for the first time that I have turned into a fat monster!
Tonight after a sober weekend I have really took a hard look at myself and where I’m at in my life… I know I’ve been putting weight on steadily over the past few years but I’ve always managed to subconsciously suppress the feelings and carry on, until this morning when I caught a glimpse of myself in the bus stop as I was walking the dog. IM FAT… WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?
I’ve been looking on the Internet at before and after pictures and forum posts etc and decided to write this post in the hope of motivation and to meet others in the same situation.
The list below is things that I genuinely do every day, it’s important that I mention at this stage that I have made this post because I’m genuinely motivated to lose weight and regain my life, some of the points below are humorous and I hope that we can discuss what or why we do these things and motivate each other to never again need to think about them.
I’m 29 Years Old, Male, 6ft4, 21 Stones. I’m built like those old toilet houses if you get the hint. I’m ex-forces, was very fit back in my youth yet I’m here today this is what I do because I’m FAT! Do you do the same???
•I always have a coat on to hide my man boobs and gut line regardless of the weather…
•I have the same comfortable pair of jeans which I never take off (apart from to wash obviously) because they are completely moulded to my shape…
•I struggle to put my socks on either bending down or pulling my foot up…
•Trainers/Shoes ^same^…
•All my clothes are black or dark colours because it hides everything…
•I eat way too many takeaways because they taste bloody lovely…
•I sweat like god knows what even in arctic winters (sorry ladies, very pleasant I know)…
•I judge other fatter people but deep down I know exactly how they are feeling…
•I over sleep…
•I socially smoke…
•I drink way too much…
•I’m the life and soul of the party, but always go home by myself at the end of the night (well apart from the kebab obviously)…
•I see people judging me…
•I undo my belt and top button of my trousers after a meal (sometimes forget and create awkward situations)…
•I order a meal for 2 from McDonalds/KFC/Burger Kind and eat it in the car so no one knows what I’ve done…
•I have to slow down when eating with friends because my plate would be empty whilst they are still choosing the correct fork…
•My local takeaway not only knows what I eat but also my name (and surname), what I do for a living, my dogs name, what car I drive, where I live (he doesn’t deliver) and he has my phone number…
•I find it infuriating when the wind blows directly onto me because my “baggy” shirt becomes like tracing paper showing my gut and moobs to the world (it’s ok though I disguise this by pulling at my shirt and placing my hand over my chest…
•I don’t fit into anything trendy high street shops offer instead I shop from ASDA on the XXL or XXXL range, I hide the hanger from the shop assistant so she can’t judge me…
•I avoid family gatherings if I can because Im ashamed of how I look, or I sit in the corner behind the balloons but near the buffet…
•My chin has a chin…
•I suffer from thigh rub in hot summer months (my jeans, I don’t do shorts)…
•If anyone so much as touches my gut or moobs I practically break their arm and back flip away from them…
•When I sit on a theme park ride I hope that the safety bar will close properly…
•I constantly hold my gut in which only highlights my man boobs…
•Back pain is horrendous…
•I can’t even walk up the stairs without panting like a banshee and sweating like a fountain…
•Social media, if a friend posts a picture I always look like a 5 bedroom detached house with double garage (don’t even ask about profile pictures)…
•I have stretch marks on my belly (I don’t remember being pregnant or giving birth)…
I could go on but I think you get the picture, can you add to the list? Why have we allowed ourselves to get like this? What made you take the first step to change?
Thanks for reading,