1. I walk passed takeaways with my eyes shut, have done ever since I was a teenager.
2. Never sit on the sofa without a cushion covering my tummy
3. Walk with my feet pointed slightly outward because my thighs have always rubbed together. Thai causes a lot of pulled muscles and wrecked shoes.
4. Eat at my desk every day so no one can comment on what/ how much I eat
5. Hide all wrappers/ food containers in the outside bin and never throw anything away inside
6. Go into supermarkets 3 or 4 times in a day so the cashier can't see how much food in buying
7. Need the loo ALL DAY at work but won't get up to go because I have to walk back right across the office in front of everyone. I've given myself numerous kidney infections because of this.
8. Pretend I'm scared of flying when actually I'm nervous in case the belt doesn't fit. Now everyone I know thinks I have a fear of planes when I actually don't.
9. When I meet new people I'm overly 'bubbly' because that's what I think people expect from a fat person. I'm actually not at all bubbly in my head...
10. Never eat anything without feeling guilty. It could be a salad, I'll still feel like I did something wrong.
There you go, a bit of insight into what a lot of people like me are up against. People talk about 'changing your eating habits' like that stops you being fat... Nah. Even when your body is skinny if you still have these little habits, you'll never truly be healthy.
Weight loss is as much about losing the weight on your mind as it is about the weight on your body