I'm struggling tonight. Had my dinner and got a cup of tea now. Remembered there were 2 bars of chocolate in the baking cupboard, a white and a dark. I took 2 small squares of each and put them away. I then got up and took 2 more squares of each. Iv hid them in the back of the cupboard now. Stop me going back for more ......
Stay away from the chocolate ..... - Weight Loss Support
Stay away from the chocolate .....

Try breaking the bars in to little pieces and then putting them in the freezer. When you need a chocolate fix just allow a piece to thaw and melt in your mouth.
It won't stop you eating it, but it will give you your fix without using so much chocolate!
I'm new to ask this dieting malarkey, but I don't think we do ourselves any favours by denying ourselves - we deserve a small occasional treat!
I'll try that and try no to eat any when I do it lol Im no that fussed for chocolate normally, I think it's coz I'm hanging about the house today. Just getting a bit bored.
Distraction works wonders. Next time you want a piece of chocolate, respond to a post instead. It takes your mind off the chocolate and is far more constructive .....hopefully encouraging others.
I went and dyed my hair and shaved my legs, just to try and keep busy lol Worked though, I didn't go back for more
Paint your nails . ( the smell puts me off eating!)
I've been there, believe me! Tell yourself you may have slipped but you're doing fine and you DON'T need any more sweets or chocolate today... Can I also suggest you break the rest of the chocolate into squares and freeze them, so you can only eat one at a time and make it a little easier to only have a little bit. I don't know if you're on a diet or eating healthily, but a little chocolate won't hurt (unless you have a medical reason like diabetes). As I said, don't feel bad about it as that will only make you feel worse...Do you have any hobbies that you do? I've started colouring, - there are some very detailed colouring books for adults quite cheap, and they keep your mind off food and on the picture I've found.... Sending you positive thoughts and squishy hugs x
Awwwww thanks so much, I never thought about colouring books, that's a good idea!! I am on a diet, I don't normally go for choc but for some reason last night I was like I have to have it!!!! Lol X