Customer (older greek lady) walks in to shop, watches me for a minute and asks "Why are you rushing round the shop like a crazy person David?!?"
"I still have ... ummmm ... to do a thousand more steps to reach my FItbit goal Mrs Kekatos!"
Yup because THAT sounds sane to an old greek lady LOL
I seriously have to get the entrance buzzer fixed. #embarrassed!
But on the upside every circuit of the store = 70 steps. All I did was make myself do a lap of the store every time I went to to get a cuppa, or took my cup back to the kitchen or to go to the toilet - basically anytime I left the front desk. It took an extra minute or two each time. but it ends up being close to an extra 1500 steps a day which is great as extra activity and contributes to my 10,000 steps.
I guess if I was at home I could do a lap of the house everytime I got up from the tele or feeding the kids or if I was in an office I could do a lap every time I went to the copier or toilet...
I just have to remind myself to do it - eventually it will become habit.
I just hope Mrs Kekatos doesn't catch me at it again or she'll be calling the men with the white coats that tie up in the back !