Weight gain despite lots of exercise a... - Weight Loss Support

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Weight gain despite lots of exercise and watching intake oh and majorly hungry :(

K1972 profile image
15 Replies

Rant rant rant rant rant rant

I did what I told myself I wouldn't do because it doesn't work... I stood on the scales early and I have put weight on...

I am also really bloody hungry


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K1972 profile image
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15 Replies
K1972 profile image

Bless you Bigleg

Thank you for the comprehensive reply. I am well aware of all the reasons whys and wherefores, just narked that I am not super human but infact as susceptible to fluctuations as the next person!

It is the first 'gain' in 3 months and falls the day before a huge important party where I have a dress that won't be overly forgiving!

All will be well :)

andrewleeone profile image
andrewleeone in reply to K1972

First gain in three months - You've done three months! and you think you are not super human ;-)

Carolee13 profile image

Just another thought that may encourage you. If you've been exercising a lot you have probably been building muscle, which weighs more than fat. One reason I'm not a fan of bmi as a measurement of health, at it puts muscular streets in the 'overweight' category. How dumb is that? So don't despair 😊

andrewleeone profile image

Weight Gain? Inches Lost??? It happens all the time.

All you need to do is carry on regardless - overall you'll get what you want! AND, have you got a good set of scales? My original ones were hopeless - utterly hopeless! Inaccurate, inconsistent, & vague. Even digital ones don't seem to be reliable. Got a set of the weight watchers ones from Argos (£30) and they are incredibly accurate and consistent. When you shift 100g you can tell. Far more motivating - Effort = Outcome.

You can do this and you are doing this!


I'm also not quite at a weight I feel comfortable at and deciding between an 'unforgiving' dress, read Lycra, curve hugging, waist accentuating, and a 'safe' looser dress with a big sparkly belt, for the wedding I'm going to on Tues. I'm erring towards the safe one because I want to feel good, more than I want to look good. Both are knee length and smart looking and I know I'll be more confident to wear the Lycra one soon enough. Do you have a backup dress that similarly makes you feel better? Or can you accessorise the unforgiving one in a way that makes you feel more comfortable, with a jacket or something? I'm sure you haven't really put on by the way, it's just the wrong day, I bet you haven't gained any inches round your waist, have you checked that? Try to focus on the overall achievement of the past three months, have a banana to fend off hunger, and hold your head high, it'll be fine :)

K1972 profile image
K1972 in reply to

I wore the figure hugging one and didn't look a pudding!

Saying that, I have had several tonnes of the richest chocolate cake and oodles of ganache that my BF had made ready for my return today...

So my weigh in tomorrow is looking decidedly dicey!

in reply to K1972

I'm back and sticking to my plans again, not weighing til Mon. Had lots of prosecco but hopefully danced it all off :) hope you're feeling positive this week too :)

K1972 profile image
K1972 in reply to


Tomorrow we go on a canal boat holiday for a week. Wine, gin and champagne all packed!

I have been tea total for 123 days and tomorrow that will end!



in reply to K1972

Don't go mad! I had 3 glasses of prosecco and felt pretty wasted. You may find you're quite a lightweight these days! Have a great canal trip, you will burn loads doing all the locks :)

K1972 profile image
K1972 in reply to

I realised once I had posted that it looked a bit like I am 19 and about to go away without my parents for the first time!

Little chance of me going beyond the lightweight, I hate the head that follows. If my beloved thinks I am being too much the goodie he can go whistle!

My running gear is packed and I am looking forward hugely to running along the tow path with the dog. A bit of flat will be a welcome change to the hills around home!

1133 profile image

Stop dieting and listen to your body. I wrecked my metabolism because I didn't listen to my body when it wanted to eat and rest, instead I starved and exercised more. Initially, I dropped 120 pounds on a low calorie/very low carb diet. Life was great... but I didn't eat more when I needed to - instead I ate less. And the weight started coming back on when I was down to 500 calories a day and less than 20 carb grams. Over time all the weight came back on, plus another 80 pounds. Now I can't diet at all, and I have to eat a starvation recovery level diet in order to stop gaining weight. Meaning, if I eat less than 2000 calories a day, I gain weight, and the less I eat, the more I gain, and the weight gain only stops and reverses if I can manage to eat more than 3500 calories a day and get a ton of sleep. This is because calorie (and carb and fat) reduction over the long term damages thyroid function, elevates rT3 levels, and exercising - especially cardio - further catabolizes our muscles in order to deliver enough glucose to the brain, so that we don't die.

People need to wake up and stop trying to diet their way to good looks and health. If I could go back in time and give my younger self just one piece of advice it would be this: Don't diet. Ever. Eat MORE. Have FUN. Sleep more. And just to drive in the point, I'd assign required reading.

These books saved my life. Maybe they'll help you too:

Free to download and read, and you don't need a Kindle to read it - Diet Recovery: Restoring Hormonal Health, Metabolism, Mood, and Your Relationship with Food (Diet Recovery Series Book 1), by Matt Stone


Understanding Metabolism: The Truth About Counting Calories, Sustainable Weight Loss, and Metabolic Damage, by Scott Abel


Good luck - I hope that you achieve ultimate health - the kind that happens when your body gets rid of fat because it has enough fuel to work properly.

Lizbetanne profile image

I thoroughly commiserate with you!!!! I have taken to cycling and I've been killing myself did 3 hours uphill and downdale been good and yes I now weigh more. Admittedly I started this with a BMI of 25 but muscle or not am still 25 which reads overweight!!!!!!

Grit your teeth and stay with it, you're not alone


K1972 profile image
K1972 in reply to Lizbetanne

Liz you are a hero!


It really does make the load lighter knowing we are not alone!

I may feel put upon by the scales but I have never been so fit!

Lizbetanne profile image

You shouldn't be hungry, it will rob you of the will to go on. Munch some fruit. Do you like stir fry? Tesco do a 500gm bag 99p and if you ate the lot its only 400cals microwave it. I think it's very filling tastes good and keeps hunger at bay


K1972 profile image
K1972 in reply to Lizbetanne

Hi Liz

Thanks, I don't go hungry as a rule. This was a one off day where I actually couldn't slay the dragon!

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