This time last year i was weighing in at 16 st 2 ilbs. Im now down to 12 st 9lbs. AM male and 6ft tall. Just feel like i cant lose anymore weight what ever i try now. Eating very healthly and going running 3 times a week. Is it my body has just got used to it now ? should i try something else. any tips ?
Feeling Stuck: This time last year i was... - Weight Loss Support
Feeling Stuck

Hi Motherwell_Davie,
Firstly, Congratulations on your weight loss over the year. That's amazing. You must feel so much fitter and healthier, and you've mentioned how you're eating very healthily and enjoying regular running. That's really great.
I calculated your BMI using the 'new BMI' measurement, and it's 23.08 - almost in the middle of the healthy range. The 'new BMI' health range for your height was listed as being between 10 stone 13 pounds and 13 stone 7 pounds. Maybe your body has settled on the weight it wants to be - i.e. a healthy weight right in the middle of the healthy range. I know that BMI isn't the be all and some people don't like to rely on it, but I thought it would be interesting to look at it. I don't know what your target is for how much more weight you'd like to lose.
Regarding tips for losing more weight, maybe you could alter your regime a bit - trying some new exercises and perhaps looking at foods which might stimulate your metabolism? If you google it, there will be some suggestions, I have no doubt!
I am an inch taller than you - and I'm female. I am finding it difficult to lose my final stone - but I am aware that I am in the healthy range on the 'new BMI' so I sometimes wonder if I'm pushing myself too much - and aspiring to be a weight that my body doesn't want to be. I'm hoping to get down to 12 stone 7 pounds, and have about 11 pounds left to lose.
Maybe just continue with what you're doing - and the last bit of weight will come off in the next few weeks - do you track your calorie intake? Using 'myfitnesspal' is a useful app - it records both calories and exercise.
Good luck with your goals.
thanks for the replys was thinking of going down to 11 st but as mentioned ave been stuck at this weight for a few months. Even though ave lost a good bit of weight i still have a gut n moobs lol. Will try looking at my diet again and maybe start on weights to change things up. Thanks n good luck everyone
I'm not sure. I usually dont eat anything for Breakfast have fruit or salad for lunch and usually chicken for dinner. drink lots of water during the day also.
Ok thanks. im not very clued up on that
Well done for losing what you have so far. Our bodies get used to routines maybe try shaking things up a bit, it should get your metabolism going again. Hope you find what works for you
First davie. Well done on your loss it's inspiring. Sounds like you hit a weight plateau. My dr told me that your body can adapt to the low cal intake and finally it stops weight loss. I suggest doing what I did when my dr told me the answer. He said 'this weekend dear, go out have fun eat what you want and Monday start again' when I asked why he said 'by shaking up the metabolism the body re adapts then shocks it when you start the diet again' .i did it and wow he was right I started losing again. Try it Davies. If it doesn't work then you haven't lost anything. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Try it. Have a good weekend. Elizabeth x

Well done on the weight loss and being able to maintain it! I agree with baby legion your body is probably used to things now and needs a shock to get things moving again. I read an article the other day which suggests having a blowout meal to kickstart things again. You may also need to exercise more to lose more weight if that's your goal. Weights are great for fat burn. I'd say 4-5 days of weights with one pure cardio day might do it but talk to your gym about that. Oh and breakfast. Porridge is great and gets the metabolism going as soon as you wake up. Good luck.
You should definitely start doing weights. Free weights in particular will shake things up for you.