Doing the breakfast dishes to the sound of "living next door to Alice" song And wriggling about. Just had to stop and tell you. Overcast and drizzling here, winter is coming. In my case Music is replacing comfort eating. By the time the beds are made, the place dusted and dog hair removed, I will be fit and ready for the rest of the day. May do some painting...(art painting that is).... Loosing weight gives you so much get up and go !
Living next door to Alice: Doing the... - Weight Loss Support
Living next door to Alice

Lol I'm tempted to say that you could come and do my housework too....
As you say, it is great to have more energy - I did a 1.5 hr walk before my partner was even awake y'day and then another hour long walk with him in the afternoon. Will be dragging him out again today despite the rain
Enjoy the rest of your energetic day

Thank you MagsMM. Will do
brilliant. And the wriggling around itself burns calories
Just about to start my housework duties, not a big fan, I must say, but with music and a smile it's easier!
Exactly. I never liked housework but now don't mind. I have a portable mini BOSE speaker and using Blue Tooth with my IPod I can move it around and can just wriggle and dance while doing the work. I mean, getting fit and doing the dreaded housework while enjoying it is a real bonus.