Is weighing yourself once a week a good idea ? I ask because if I've put on or not lost it tends to send me over the edge !!!! I may just leave it for a couple of weeks say every two weeks the jump on those scales ???
What does everyone think ?
Is weighing yourself once a week a good idea ? I ask because if I've put on or not lost it tends to send me over the edge !!!! I may just leave it for a couple of weeks say every two weeks the jump on those scales ???
What does everyone think ?
Hi June1965
i think this once a week weigh in is rubbish.we only get it in to our heads to weigh once a week because slimming clubs want you to go and pay every week.i get weighed every 2 weeks. and i feel it is a much better way of doing it.
good luck
You're not alone! I was away for a few days last week, ate normally but sensibly, walked a lot ( burnt almost 5000 calories) then on return I weighed myself and I had GAINED 2lbs !!
That gave me 😕all weekend. BUT today I weighed and Im 2lbs lighter so 😀 again and I now wish I had not weighed so soon.
I think once a week is helpful at first when the weight drops more quickly, but towards the end as it slows down to half pound or less, then once a fortnight is safer. Also do keep a record of body measurements or try on " "the tight jeans" as thats about changing shape rather than weight, and its a reduced shape that we really want.
My week 2 weigh in was this morning but I decided to leave it another week. I think once a fortnight is enough, it sends me over the edge too if I have not lost much.
I think everybody is different, find what works for you. I find weighing in once a week keeps me focused as if i lose focus after a few days the weigh in comes around so quick to remind me, and i try hard to avoid a bad weigh in, but we all have bad days. If you think weighing in every 2-3 weeks will be better for you go for it