Sometimes feel like giving up. - Weight Loss Support

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Sometimes feel like giving up.

Kiran666 profile image
14 Replies

Does anyone ever feel like giving up sometimes, like they don't care what they eat or how much they eat because sometimes I feel like that but I force myself to not give up. I still struggle to see myself as being slim after the weight I have lost and this sounds silly but I am scared if I add the weight back on again. Does anybody else feel like this?

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Kiran666 profile image
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14 Replies
rosie15 profile image

Hi.I've just had an episode like that ! .my husband just brought In a tin of sweets and for a moment I thought what the heck let's tuck in.But I stopped myself because I'm sick of looking fat .Its so hard to lose the weight .My sweet tooth is a nightmare !!!

fibronfedup profile image

I go through periods of feeling like this, it took me a good 10 weeks or so to actually see a difference in myself and it made it difficult to continue but having a supportive partner and friends i could speak to (and this site) kept me from reverting to my old habits, i was never happy stuffing my face but it hid the boredom and self hate. Try keeping a track of how far you have come, i have an album on my phone of old photos of me and each week i take another one so i can see the progress ive made and it motivates me to keep going.

You are not alone in this many people here will understand, remind yourself why you are doing this daily and stay strong

Kiran666 profile image
Kiran666 in reply to fibronfedup

Thank you for that :)

Try to not think of it as wanting to give up, if that makes any sense. Think of it as a blip that you can recover from. We all feel like it sometimes. Trust.

Kiran666 profile image
Kiran666 in reply to

Thank you :)

Kiran666 profile image

Thank you for that :)

DoniMac profile image

Yes I felt like that a lot, I used to try and lose weight, eat less, get more exercise because I knew I need to do that, not just to lose weight but to be stronger and fitter. And it is still a constant theme in the back of my head 'oh I won't bother today oh I can't exercise, oh I am sick of no ice cream' so every time I went to the shops I would buy all the little 'treats' and eat the lot, so in the end was sabotaging my own efforts to lose weight. Then I realised I could not lose weight at all, lose some put it back on and in the end thought 'well why bother' but then I found this 12 week challenge and it seemed to click with me, everything was simple, clear plain reading and no starvation trials. So I thought I would give it a go, now I start week 3 this week, and even though I am going OK, I still get those little thoughts 'oh why bother' so I have found the best plan is to read all the posts every night after work and talk to other people in the same boat. This is the only thing getting me through. ON Friday I had two home made biscuits at work (because the girl who made them did it as a special treat) and felt like I had let myself down, I also started to feel the carvings that I thought I had got control of. So all the time we are under the pressure of the food cravings and old habits, like not exercising and not eating all the chocolate in the supermarket. Reading the other posts from people in the same boats is really helpful and people are very supportive on this forum, because they have been there done that, and know from personal experience what we are all going through.

Keep going, and if your not in it, maybe try the 12 week challenge, it is helping me...and fingers crossed I can do it this time. Good luck, keep the smiling face in place.

Kiran666 profile image
Kiran666 in reply to DoniMac

Thank you for that :)

DoniMac profile image

Hi Lose, I tried that site, but does it cost money to join? I left the site because it looked like they wanted money for their plans???

lindypalm profile image

I feel like that too. I have one more stone to loose. It feels easier to eat and not exercise but actually I feel better when I look after myself. Keep going.

DoniMac profile image
DoniMac in reply to lindypalm

I know how you feel, I feel like that at the moment and don't know why, I think am I bored with counting calories or what? then look at the results of losing weight slowly for ...this is week 3 for me....and think, no I will keep going I feel better, but then I think, I feel like just eating all the carp I ate is hard to keep going sometime, but this forum out of everything else helps, we are all in the same boat....and keep going, I find just posts to others feeling the same and reading their replies helps me heaps

lindypalm profile image

I'm much the same. Since eating well I've had lots of colds and my nails keep breaking. But I feel stronger and when I eat rubbish feel like I don't value myself enough.

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to lindypalm

Getting more colds and breaking nails may mean that your diet is lacking some nutrients. Make sure you are eating enough protein, like dairy, oily fish and some red meat. You also need to be getting enough vitamins, like Vit C and D, so check that you are eating the right vegetables.

Surbie profile image

Over the past 10 years I have yoyo dieted and have felt like you do, but this time it's different. I want to be proud of the way I look and I know that only I have control of this. I hate that in the past I have given up, telling myself I can't do it and then settling down feeling low with a huge bag of crisps to drown my sorrows with.

I also want to have more energy for my 12 year old son. He is lovely but I am sure gets fed up having a tired, overweight mum?Looking after myself also means I will have more time with him, even though that does sound a bit morbid.

At 52 the only way my body seems to shift weight is through cutting out refined sugar so thats what I am doing. So with me it's about a lifestyle change to loose weight rather than counting calories and I know this time I am going to do it and so can all of you. 😁

In future if I have a down day and hit the crisps, then the next day I am going to pick myself up and start over, after all nobody's perfect! Have a great day.

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