Why am I sitting here eating Christmas chocolate? I know I should bin it but I can never resist sweets if they are in the house!!! It was a so called friend bought them for me but however annoyed that makes me I still eat them. Is there no hope for me.
No Hope: Why am I sitting here eating... - Weight Loss Support
No Hope
Hi, share them with anyone and everyone except the dog, very bad for them. That way they,re gone pretty quickly. Problem chocs solved. Hope starts now.
Use it as motivation, do something active and treat yourself with one at the end
Of course there is. I had 2 huge boxes of thorntons bought for me and only yesterday a HUGE Ferero rocher. I've divided h open box of thorntons into little bags of 6 and am allowing myself one bag a week. True, they have nearly killed me today trying to ignore them. So, either try that or eat them, then bin any guilt from doing so. Well done for coming here for help!!!
Take those chocolates and throw them away now! I am following a calorie controlled diet and taking one day at a time. It is hard but it is harder for me to be fat and feel awful as a result.
I am leaving my purse at home so I cannot buy food on the way home from work.