5:2! Last hope...: Hi Tomorrow is my... - Weight Loss Support

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5:2! Last hope...

Lozz84ie profile image
53 Replies


Tomorrow is my first 5:2 fast day!

I have planned doing this for over a month and due to being lazy, stuck or other I haven't managed it!

I have brought the lighter life products, and yes I know people don't agree but I need a kick in the right direction!

I have turned into the person who laughs about being the fat person! Who people know To fail at every opportunity to be strong and avoid temptation!

Last July I done herbal life lost 2 stone and felt great. BUT Experienced terrible belly aches etc and stopped and Yep you guessed it the weight came back super quick!

I've tried being good, slimming clubs even considored tablets but I stick to nothing!

I'm looking for help and support! Someone to shout at me! I just want to feel good again x ☺️

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Lozz84ie profile image
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53 Replies
Fiftyfive profile image

Good luck with your first day and let us know how you are getting, knowing that people are tracking your progress is a good motivator.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to Fiftyfive

Hi, I can't believe the amount of help that's on offer! I think maybe this time it's actually gonna work x

Prism_ profile image

Everything you're saying suggests you are already the person to shout at yourself.

It sounds like you're missing the will power to hold down any "diet".

What i would suggest is this, start looking at the 5:2 as a way of life!

The health benefits of the 5:2 go well beyond just losing weight.

I've started it and since! I've not even looked at a weighing scale!

I was 15 stone the day i started, and all my clothes were "very" snug to say the least!

Now only 2 weeks in i feel a lot less bloated, and I've actually dropped a belt notch.

My jeans fit more comfortably, and i can actually crouch down with ease now to pick things up in them!

I done this in conjunction with drinking 1.5L of water on non active days, and up to, but no more then 3L on active days. As a life long suffer of asthma and someone who has smoked for 15+ years, I've also started the NHS couch 2 5K. Trust me if i can do this "anyone can!"

- Drink more water

- Stick to the 5:2

- Do run/walk 3-4 times a week for 30 mins (no less).

If you're serious about this and can only manage walking atm, your aim is to eventually run / jog!

It will be painful, but in a strange sadistic way you learn to love the pain, and you will want more and more!

I've only been on these forums for two weeks, and i see so many people who post once and drop off!

Do not become one of those weak people who find excuses in everything!

My first run was in the freezing cold rain.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but it is the truth, and it seems like that is what your are asking for.

Diets don't work because they are unsustainable, the 5:2 is, it's a new way of life.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to Prism_

Hi, thanks for replying all that you have said is so incouraging and I think that with all the help I will actually be able to stick to it x

Ps well done on your weight loss that's so amazing!

Purple-10 profile image

I tried 5.2 but found it was not for me, but I wish you luck

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to Purple-10


Penel profile image

Good luck with 5:2. It certainly seems to work well for some people.

If you had belly ache with Herbal Life, there is a strong chance you will have the same problems with Lighter Life, so take care.

Have you tried the NHS 12 week plan? That also seems to work well for people and you don't have to buy special food.


What works for me is cutting out sugar, flour and processed foods, that means cutting out things like bread, breakfast cereal, and low fat ready meals. It also means cooking most meals from scratch.

Different things work for different people. I don't think anyone on here wants to shout at you!

Hairyman profile image
Hairyman in reply to Penel

Agree totally. Am in third week of Nhs 12 week plan but staying under 1000 kcal. on 2 days (not fixed) each week.

Have lost 3lbs so far Am enjoying lots of exercise.

Beware of sugar, bread and awful things like low fat ready meals.

On low cal days eat your breakfast after 12 (noon) unless there is a specific medical reason not to.

If you need motivation befriend someone, and there are many, whose heart is giving up due to type 2 diabetes with a "one donut won't hurt me" attititude.

Do you have empty 4 pint milk containers? Fill 3 of these with water, put them in a bag and take it with you when you for a walk.

As you walk say to yourself "How good it will feel to not have to carry this around everywhere I go when I have lost 15 lbs!

As Penel wrote different things work for different people.

But some things, like strokes/ diabetes/crdiac problems, are bad news ror all of us. Not least because they restrict our ability to enjoy life and exercise making it harder to keep weight off.

Remember Alittle food is good for you but TOO MUCH KILLS YOU.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to Penel

Haha I know people wouldn't want to but I wish they would?!

I am trying to cut out bread and maybe after I have succeed i will maybe try more things I know aren't good for me x

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to Lozz84ie

We will just do a bit of nagging instead 😊

Hope23 profile image

Hi there

Sorry to hear of your struggles. I think the others are right though, you need to think of it as a lifestyle change rather than a diet. I know when I'm on a diet I feel a bit fed up and feel like I'm missing out. But the 5:2 is different because you only have to be really strict on two days a week and then sensible the other 5. I found the books available a great help too. As not only are they inspiring but give you ideas of recipes. I got some from amazon and also downloaded one to my tablet.

I lost 7 pounds in 3 and half weeks, but I was doing a 45 minute power walk on treadmill every day and on the normal eating days I was doing 1300-1500 calories only. So for quicker weight loss don't eat the 2000 calories a woman is allowed on normal eating days.

There is no doubt about it, it does work. But you will feel hungry, very hungry for the first 4 or 5 fast days. Don't expect it to be a breeze. But after as little as 1 or 2 weeks you will feel better - less bloated, skin improvement and I found I could go to the toilet a lot better as my body had chance to get rid of waste before piling more food in.

On fast days I just keep thinking of the lovely scrambled eggs I'll eat for breakfast the next day. Or enjoy a slice of pie or cake at weekend. I even had 2 or 3 glasses of wine Fri and Saturday nights and still lost weight!

But do think about it as a lifestyle change, rather than a diet and maybe that will help

A few people have said on this forum that if you're prone to binge eating it may not be the diet for you! Because the day after a fast day, when you feel empty, you end up binge eating all the following day as you can't recognise being full. So do watch that.

Good luck and definitely read up about the diet. I think there's a forum for it too to share stories and recipes

I find the weight watchers meals great for the evening meal on fast days. It means I get a bit of variety and a nice hot meal to eat with my husband. Some people don't eat breakfast and just have two meals but I like to have a little bowl of low fat Greek yoghurt with a few strawberries or raspberries. I have this about 10am. Then half a tin of chunky soup about 1.30. Then my evening meal. Remember tea and coffee with milk with add to your calories too. I found using my fitness pal app brilliant for logging calories and watching it add up during the day! I think I pretty much go over on fast days too, about 580-600 calories, but I still lost weight. Just try not to go over 600.


Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to Hope23

Thanks so much, your reply has defiantly inspired me to get on a be serious!

Sounds like you've managed to properly do this life style change so it makes me ask why cant I!

I do have a book but maybe I will see what else I can look at for more ideas x

Hope23 profile image
Hope23 in reply to Lozz84ie

Oh don't think I'm Saint! I've still eaten too much when eating out and then kick myself when I feel horribly full and stuffed! But as long as you only do this once in a while and try to stop eating when you're full (hard to do I know when you've paid for it and it tastes yummy!) You'll still lose weight as long as those treats aren't every day. I still enjoy bread, cheese, wine and cake on normal eating days. But I don't have all of them on the same day! So if I end up having a slice of cake at work I'll just adjust what I eat for the rest of the day, like eliminate potatoes from the evening meal or have no desert. It's just about moderation! Don't think oh crap I've ruined it all because I've had a bar of chocolate or slice of cake, just adjust your calories for the rest of the day or do a longer workout! don't go ah well may as well carry on eating badly - which is why a lot of people fall of the diet wagon!

I always find out of sight out of mind is a good motto too. If it's not in the cupboard looking at me I don't think about it. So don't buy too many treats in!

You'll get used to that slightly empty feeling you get on fast days and as you start to feel lighter you will welcome that fast day to put you right again


chrysallis profile image

Hello Lozz84ie

I can only share my own experience - a life of dieting, planning to diet, falling off a diet and constantly thinking about a diet. I started the 5:2 after seeing the BBC programme about dieting, and so far, so good! I find I can do fasting for a day without much problem once I had got my head around it - it means that you can eat more normally the next day. So Lozz84ie, in my humble opinion, it is definitely worth a try. I log onto this website when I need some motivation, and I also go to thefastdiet.co.uk and oxfab.co.uk which, if you fill out the questionnaires, gives you some interesting information about how you can be successful. So best of luck. I shall help you track your progress too.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to chrysallis

Awww thanks so much for your motivation its really appreciated!

I'm going to look at the two sites this evening and make sure I take all the positivity from all you lovely people x


Well done To you to x

eeek1110 profile image

I've had that book for a month and haven't even looked at it. How sad is that? Getting support from others is very important to me so if you are feeling weak, read all the messages and get some comfort that others can do it. I'm just on my 2nd day of dieting and feel much more positive about it all. I am NOT going to fail this time!

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to eeek1110

Hey x I think I've had the book over a year and literally only just started looking at it x

Your so right the encouragement and support from here is brill x

Well done x

eeek1110 profile image
eeek1110 in reply to Lozz84ie

I've just worked out if you have just over a 100 calories a day for a month, then you'll put on a 1lb. Watch out everyone!

eeek1110 profile image
eeek1110 in reply to eeek1110

I meant extra calories daily. So easy to do that!

tillergirl profile image

Here's a few ideas from me.

I use the 5:2 way of eating. I usually fast on Thursday and Saturday and then weigh in on Monday. I use My Fitness Pal to log all my food and I try not to go over 1200 calories on the days I don't fast. This is because I'm very short and old ! You would be allowed more calories as you're younger and taller I expect.

I started walking for 30 minutes every other day and gradually built in 2 long walks every week. For this I use Map my Walk on my phone as it tells you how far you've walked and how many calories you've used and you can keep a record of it.

Take some measurements before you start- bust , waist, hips and log it down somewhere . This is useful for the weeks when you may not lose any weight but you may have lost inches.

I find it helps me if I focus on the fact that this is my healthy eating plan and not a diet.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to tillergirl

Hey x

Thanks for your reply it's really appreciated x

I am intending to weigh on a Tuesday, is this right or should I choose a different day? I'm fasting monday and Wednesday x

I do use MFP but I find when I start logging it's when I fail so I'm hoping with the same routine meals each fast day and a healthy approach on non fast days I'll be able to sucsesfully loose x

Thanks again for replying x

tillergirl profile image
tillergirl in reply to Lozz84ie

You can weigh in on any day. I choose Monday as it helps me to keep focussed over the weekend.

Don't forget this is your own healthy eating plan so do whatever it takes to make it work for you. 😀 it's got to be achievable otherwise you'll give up.

Try using MFP just to see what foods are calorie loaded. Then you can swap things round. For instance, if you like chocolate, instead of eating a whole bar either chop it up into pieces and only eat half or change it completely and eat something with less calories. You can also log your exercise on it too.

It's about making it work for you and not giving up . Easy to say but not so easy to do 😉

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to tillergirl

Thanks x

I only choose a tuesday as me and my mum weigh together at the local boots x

Prism_ profile image

After replying to your original post @Lozz84ie i weighed myself.

From 15st two weeks ago, I've lost half a stone!

This is me eating only 1900kcal a day, with two 600kcal days in the week.

+ x3 30min run/jogs (5k) a week also.

I feel brilliant and seeing that half a stone weight loss has given me even more of a boost in confidence.

Especially since in those two weeks I've had (one full English breakfast, and more then enough treats.)

Counting your calories is a pain. But it sure does put things in perspective.

I genuinely wish you luck.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to Prism_

Well done that's such a massive loss!!!

Thanks for letting me know as its nive to hear the success of the plan x

Good luck too x

Weighless profile image
Weighless2 stone

Good luck with your fast day today. I am doing the 5:2 diet and am on a fast today. On my fast days I don't have anything until lunch and then have either salad or home made soup. Today I have had soup followed by a sugar free jelly. Tonight I am having fish with vegetables. It is usually some meat or fish with vegetables in the evening. I have an options hot chocolate before I go to bed. I have been doing this for just over a year and have lost almost 2 stone and have almost reached my ideal weight, the weight is coming off much slower now but I have found it a very easy diet to follow and like the fact that I can eat anything I want on 5 days of the week. I have been trying to lose this weight for years and have not managed it until now. I started it initially because my triglyceride levels were high and the difference in those was unbelievable.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to Weighless

Wow! Amazing 2 stone!

You must be so proud x

So good hearing long term success as I know all to well how easy I fall of a diet x (not this time)

Your daily food sounds so good! I'm going to try avoiding breakfast and seeing how I go x

Thanks again x

LilliasB profile image

You have certainly had some great advice here. I started on the 5:2 seven weeks ago and agree with looking at it as a way of life rather than a 'diet'. I am only weighing myself every four weeks just to make sure I am keeping on track. I fast on a Tuesday and Thursday, on both those days I do some volunteering work thus ensuring I am too busy to notice any hunger. I always start these days with porridge made with water, (being Scottish I am used to this) and then have around 400 calories to play with for my evening meal which gives me a wide choice. I normally take milk in my coffee but have changed to black as 100 calories per day was too high a price to pay.

Very good luck. I look forward to following your future posts.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to LilliasB

You are so right the advise has been so amazing x

I would like to try weighing monthly but don't know how that would work for me x

I have swapped to herbal or black coffe today so I can save on kals such a good way to feel fuller with a warm drink to x

Thanks again and well done so far x

pollyanna56 profile image

I tried the 5/2 diet for a time, but it really did not work very well, so i reverted back to the eating plan i had had many years ago, the revised Atkins diet - many people moaned about it, but for me it worked. I was 14 stones & lost 2 and a half stone in 3 months, which i have never put back on [40 years ago] over the intervening time i have lost more, a bit here, and a bit there. However like anything if you take your eye off of the ball [ like for a few years, ] a bit of weight will creep back. So i am back on the eating plan to lose my last 5 kg. [8kg to begin with]Everybody has a different way of losing weight. My friend does the 5/2 diet, which for her is relatively successful, however she told me last week that she is back on it again, as she had gone back to the eating habits she had before. Any weight loss programme in order to be successful has to be a change of lifesyle, and eating habits. I have got my weight down to just over 10 stones [ however my scales do kg,/ stone/ lbs swhich is easier, and 65kg sounds lighter than 10 stone something] in my mind i need/want to be 60kg and my eating plan will get me there, and keep me there. The diet is healthy, its high in vegatables[vitamins and minerals] high in protein [meat,eggs,fish, but low in carbohydtate, which i s what i need. I can happliy eat porridge for breakfast, stir-frys, curries etc for an evening meal. I do however have in the short termto give up on cakes, biscuits etc, but in the long term they become a treat, for staying on track. people might not agree with my choices, but i can lose the weight, and keep it off. Luckily for me i like do vegatable - and i do like stir-frys, but really do not like lettuce.

So good luck with your diet, i am sure that you will be successful.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to pollyanna56

Not every diet will work for everyone the same x

I do hope this one clicks x

Thanks for your message x and good luck x

welshwizard60 profile image

HI 5:2! Last hope I am the Welsh wizard please do not despair tell you a little story approx 5 years ago lost six stone using lighter life excellent product with weekly meetings with counsellor and other members of group please be aware you are not on your own anyway the way the product works is to make you realise that you do have options and the fact that life is not always easy and you will fall of the bandwagon but it's realising this and getting back on that is where I am know having put all of the six stone back only a a little more but I am know back on the band wagon for health reasons using the NHS twelve week programme which was suggest to me at my local doctors by the health assistant, I am doing quite well cutting down so do not despair you and I will reach or own goals in our different ways and no problem getting a kick start so good luck even though I know you want need it on your journey. Best of luck and good wishes Welsh Wizard.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to welshwizard60

Hi x

It's so refreshing coming along to a site and hearing from like minded people x

It's not a easy battle but we all eventually find our ways x

Well done to you for starting again as I know all to well how annoying it is knowing you've gained what you lost x

Good luck xc

googoes profile image

hi last hope and every one i started 4 weeks ago lost 2 weeks ans gained 2 weeks so like you have been thinking about trying the 5:2 plan and would love to buddy up with support and help for us both as i must lose around 5 stone but am starting with 1 stone and will work from their for me i know when i can get into a routine and have the plan under my belt it will be easier, un like you i am no good with drinks i do need to have food to eat but it will be intresting to see how we do if it helps i am happy to join you at next weight .

just think in half stones and go from their

good luck to every one penny

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to googoes

We can sure buddy up!

I'll weigh and measure tomorrow x

I defo haven't enjoyed doing the lighterlife product but it did show me with the correct food limits I can do this!

On fast 2 I think I will have a soup for lunch and meat and veg for dinner x

googoes profile image
googoes in reply to Lozz84ie

great will do the same good luck my first fast day is going to be frid keep me posted and will catch up tomo and see how we are doing penny

Prism_ profile image

If you have a spare hour i highly recommend this documentary: bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b...

@gingernut49 put me onto this, as i was intentionally just doing the NHScouch25k and cutting my 2400kcal to 1900 a day. Now that in conjunction with the 5:2 has seen me lose quite a bit of weight.

I was 98kg two weeks ago, i'm 91.4 today. So that's actually quite a bit more then half a stone.

I was just roughing the numbers up earlier. I imagine a lot of that was excess water, but still, a massive confidence boost.

Watch that documentary its really inspiring.

Sorry for hogging your topic, Good luck.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to Prism_

Don't be sorry! Good to hear it all and thanks I'll have a watch Thabks again

Jenica profile image

I know exactly how you feel. I did a trial for a month last year and lost weight and inches but put it all back on again and more. It is so frustrating to know you can do it but then let yourself down. At the end of the day no one is putting the excess food into your mouth! You know that and so do I!! So why can't we stick at it-how healthy and great will we look when we get to out goal? YET AGAIN I am starting today with good intentions - I really do want to look and feel as good as I did last year and you also want to, so what are we waiting for??? !!!

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to Jenica

I alway seem to go for the fads and get all hyped up untill the weight returns skin is bad and my mood is blue!!!!

I started Monday with a fast day and my next is tomorrow and I have already noticed that I'm making changes in what I am putting in my mouth x

Here's to us feeling brilliant again x

Jenica profile image
Jenica in reply to Lozz84ie

Sorry for delay in writing but seem to be busy at moment and not being able to catch up on emails that add on so fast on a daily basis. I've started yet again today after a photo from my husbands iPad was on FB from when I was slim and on honeymoon! I am now trying to get in my head and keep it there that, "the frame is the same its just got too much baggage". Whether it will work I don't know but I will give it ago. How are you doing? Have you achieved what you wanted from Monday?

gingernut49 profile image

Hi all - here are all the details for the 5:2 diet in a nutshell for anyone reading this who is wondering:

I lost the three stone I needed to in six months on the 5:2 Diet after watching Michael Mosley's excellent Horizon programme in 2012, "Eat, Fast and Live Longer" tinyurl.com/qzgo7tq or tinyurl.com/a8ppjl7 and went from a size 16 to a size 10 by eating 500 calories two non-consecutive days a week. I've been maintaining my weight loss since April 2013 by just fasting one day a week - in the past I piled the weight back on as soon as I finished 'dieting'. I'd very much recommend you read Kate Harrison's book, "The 5:2 Diet" (tinyurl.com/qe6mz4u) - it really does work and it will save you a fortune (towards your smaller clothes!).

I'd also recommend a free app for your phone called MyFitnessPal. Counting calories is very important so you can see how much you're eating and therefore eat mindfully rather than mindlessly. There are excellent videos in the Help section on the app that show you how it works - there's even a barcode reader to scan in branded foods.

It's important you don't eat more than your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) on non-fasting days. You can work that out here thefastdiet.co.uk/how-many-.... If yours works out at more than 2000 then aim at 2000 on non-fasting days.

Here I am in the Daily Mail on 7th January tinyurl.com/m7rqecq. The other two ladies’ stories are inspiring!

Here Michael Mosley answers many questions on it dailymail.co.uk/health/arti...

This little video explains more youtu.be/W9Aj6hRYg4A

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to gingernut49

Hi x

Thanks for all the info, wow that much in a short time!


I was wondering how much I should stick to on down days x so thanks! mine is over 2000!

On down days did you eat whatever as long as it was under 2000 or healthy?

gingernut49 profile image
gingernut49 in reply to Lozz84ie

Have you worked out your TDEE? Mine was only around 1400 so that was my target on non-fasting days. The general rule is to try to stay under 2000 if your TDEE works out at more than that.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to gingernut49

Well I couldn't decide if my activity was none or light but they returned 2023 and 2230?

gingernut49 profile image
gingernut49 in reply to Lozz84ie

Lucky you - but try and stay under 2000 anyway, and don't eat any exercise calories you burn any day, they're a bonus. :)

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to gingernut49

What kind of things did you eat?

I am doing ok, but just don't think I'll loose?

gingernut49 profile image
gingernut49 in reply to Lozz84ie

Kate Harrison has produced a couple of recipe books for 5:2 and the Hairy Dieters books are good too.

I live on my own and I now prefer to get good quality ready meals for my fasting days. The M&S Count on Us range is particularly good; quite high in calories but I only eat the one meal in the evening and serve them with a pile of steamed frozen vegetables. It's an easy way of doing it as all the calories are counted for you.

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to gingernut49

Brilliant thanks again x

can u let me know how your fast day went and what you ate as i have considered this, thanks x

Lozz84ie profile image
Lozz84ie in reply to

Hey x of course x

Monday was my first and I stupidly brought the lighterlife range!!! Do not bother lol x

But today I held out as long as possible and had 100g melon/grapes about 11am

1.30 I had a small salad with beetroot and a slice of ham

7pm I have had boiled chicken and cauilflower x

Inbetween meals I have managed 3 litres of water and some black coffee x

The water may seem loads vue your body starts adjusting x

You just need to make sure you plan and be in mind set that what ever you fancy today can wait till tomorrow! X

Good luck xx

in reply to Lozz84ie

Thanx for that, that is not alot to eat tho, lol, mind over matter, the very best of luck to you too x

gingernut49 profile image
gingernut49 in reply to

The thing is it's only one day at a time and you know you can eat normally (but sensibly) the next day. After a while you look forward to your fasting days.

It's so beneficial for your health too.

Not what you're looking for?

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