Well so much for all my good intetions. I viseted a friend and stayed over night Had a huge ev meal of home made Chicken kormer and boild rice but did stay off the wine. Then on my way home had to walk through Salisbury and that little food gremlin was nigling away in my head,ended up buying tub of icecream, larg bag of crisps, two larg bars of chocolet and a packet of for kitkats. Have eaten icecreem, crisps and two of the kitkats. threw away the rest, opend the wrapings so I wouldnt bt tempted to retrev them, now I feel so discusted with my self and ashamed as Iv let everyone down. Sorry xx
No wilpower: Well so much for all my... - Weight Loss Support
No wilpower

You do have will power.....you threw some of the food away, that is something to be very proud of...don't beat yourself up about it....what's done is done...I don't know if this will help but many years ago I would bing eat....I learnt to throw food away in the bin....and had to cover it in pepper so that I wouldn eat it.....I used to do that for portion control as well....dish-up my dinner smother it in pepper and vingar....so that I didn't more then I should.
Think of it this way; one kit-kat is ten minutes on the treadmill, crisps another fifteen ... etc.
(Calories or kcals divided by ten = minutes working out hard).
Now doesn't that scare you into leaving them on the shelf?
Kismit dont beat your self up i have done the same before. All you have to do if you ever binge is regroup your self the next morning and stay focused Dont say to your self "ach thats the diet out the window i will just binge again today then before you know it that days become a week. Start afresh again tomorrow morning
You should be proud of sharing your issues with us. Keep going. We are here for you.
Someone here mentioned you should not beat up your self, that may end up - in giving up at all..Concentrate on what you have achieved so far, and on the fact that you have managed to resist some of the temptations. Most of the diet coaches - say - that those who have a tiny cheats once in a while - and treat it as "rewards" instead of beating up them selves - loose more, end up healthier and happier. Just keep up with the good work.
I have a stupid 'don't waste food obsession', I cannot stop it. I feel full; but no I must eat everything, my wife left half a pizza, so I eat it. I made too many chips so must eat them. I must admit on odd occasions it's an excuse to be greedy
Thanks for all your support, Iv had a much better day today. see what tomorow brings. xx