Good fats! Low carbs!: I'm never going... - Weight Loss Support

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Good fats! Low carbs!

Anneb8 profile image
9 Replies

I'm never going to do this... Every time I think I'll try something always something negative, so fed up :( I struggling to keep my carbs low, than I'm told if im doing that keep up with good fats, I'm on 1400 calories, now being told that's to low,

Don't know why I just don't thriw the towel in and give up,

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Anneb8 profile image
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9 Replies
Penel profile image

If you are making a big change in what you eat, it's probably a good idea to do it slowly. If you want to cut down on carbs, do it gradually, perhaps have just one meal with low carb vegetables. You need to find the level of carbs that works for you, you may not need to go very low and it can make you feel unwell if you cut out a lot at one go.

The same applies to increasing the fat in your diet, start by just not eating low fat. Perhaps try using olive oil or some butter.

There is no one way of doing this diet. If it doesn't suit you, then change it.

The important part of the diet is to cut out processed food as much as you can.

This link has some useful advice

tianame profile image

I agree with Penel, if you really want to change your eating habits then you should do it slowly. You can never have it that easy.

While there is no “one size fits all” solution to permanent healthy weight loss, the following guidelines are a great place to start:

1. Think lifestyle change, not short-term diet.

2. Find a cheering section.

3. Slow and steady wins the race.

4. Set goals to keep you motivated.

5. Use tools that help you track your progress.

fibronfedup profile image

Hey I understand your frustration, but most diets say to start at around 1400 cals I eat between 1200-1400 a day, I flucuate so my metabolsim doesn't get used to my new eating habits. Are you feeling weak or tired only eating 1400 cals? If so you can always start a little higher. You just got to find your stride and what works for you.

its all about re-training your brain which is a long process. Give it time a setback isn't the end of the world just see it as a setback and continue :-) you will get there.

Ever want to message im always about, stay strong :-)

Pklme profile image

Ease up a little- it's a process of experimenting to find out what works for you. It took me a while to put the weight on, I know it will take a while to lose it too! For me the best thing has been no longer avoiding- or feeling guilty about- fat. The skin on chicken, putting a little butter on my vegetables, avocado in my salad, makes life more enjoyable!

Don't worry too much about the calories, just log the food, keep carbs low and see what happens.

OlsBean profile image

You can throw the towel in and give up if you want but then nothing will change, you'll just end continuing to hurt your own health, worrying yourself and your loved ones.

You obviously want to change or you would not be taking the time to post here.

Unfortunately when it comes to weight loss there is no silver bullet nor does one size fit all (no pun intended). You have to find something that works for you, all we can do is share our own experiences with you and offer words of advice and support based on that.

For me personally I think the LCHF lifestyle has an awful lot to offer, not just when it comes to weight control but also more importantly when it comes to core metabolic health. Having said that I did not lose my weight following a strict LCHF diet and that's for a number reason, for one I had not even heard about it back then, secondly when I made my changes I was totally uninitiated and uneducated when it came to nutritional health, I certainly would not have been able to even define what a Carbohydrate was let alone understood the concept that Dietary Fat does not actually make us Fat.

I feel your frustration, I really do, there is a ton now of conflicting advice available to people wishing to lose weight and that's why I can't reiterate enough that if you want to be in control (and you should be in control of your own health!) then you have to take some time to research the subject and educate yourself to the best of your ability. I'm not an educated Man, I'm really not, my highest academic qualification is a Grade C Maths O'level which I only received by default because I got a Grade 1 CSE in the subject :) . So I am really a numpty, but I still feel I have managed to glean a lot of helpful information about nutrition from reading and researching information on the subject, information that's all available within the public domain. You have to keep and open mind and remember that advice does change from time to time because we are constantly evolving and discovering more and more through research and science, which is something that has always happened throughout history.

Back to your reservations though, why don't you get yourself (if you've not already) following the NHS 12 week healthy eating plan, there are a lot of positive points to it, it will start to help you form good eating habits and hopefully also lose some weight. Whilst doing that maybe research a Ketosis diet (LCHF), there is reasonably easy to follow book by Jimmy Moore that a lot of people read and I have heard is good (there are lots of others also). Then give it go if you feel you want to. I think I've said this before but with LCHF and losing weight, there is not a lot of room for cheating, if you eat High Fat and don't cut the Carbs you have the perfect biochemical state to drive Fat Storage and Weight Gain, hence my advice to get some good core eating habits in place first which will hopefully help.

Good Luck.

Titchyfeet profile image

hi Anneb8, don't give up!........ if it's too confusing and not working for just try another way, what works for me is just smaller portions, 1/2 pint of skimmed milk a day ( compared to my endless glasses of milk throughout the day of semi skimmed milk!) 30g of cereal instead of a huge bowl full, they are a few changes I made and I've lost 2.5st.... get yourself a smaller dinner plate and have a lot of veg, some carbs and protein, that way you don't feel like your missing out and your body gets it nutritional requirements, exercise if it's your thing or at least a daily walk. Don't let it take your life over or you will give up and possibly gain even more weight. If I can do it anyone can :-) once you see the weight drop off and the dress size come down you'll be buzzing! Good luck :-)

Firstly, 1400 calories is incredibly low. A low calorie diet is not only a total myth on how to loose weight, its mentally difficult to achieve, for good reason, its wrong.

Firstly, do your best, know you are doing your best and be aware when you judge yourself based on what everyone else says you "should" be doing.... neither is right. Only what feels good for you is right.

Carbs are great two hours before and after exercise, any more than that and you are adding more energy to your body than you need. In terms of nutrition, removing processed foods is your first start and then just go walking, walk for up to an hour and then every now and then, run a little and then when you've had enough walk again, eventually you can run the whole way.

But here's the thing, its supposed to be fun to be nice to yourself, so makes sure it is, learn to enjoy cooking and preparing nice meals and do everything possible to help yourself to achieve your goals in the way you want and congratulate yourself when you do great things.

Just do your best and know your best changes each moment, yesterday and tomorrow is not doesnt matter, only today does and our feelings change all the time, being aware of them is what counts.

Go for it!

Zenette profile image

I definitely don't think 1400 cal is too low. You can refer whoever told you so, to the NHS site which says it is safe.

We are all different, but for myself, I don't lose on anything above 1200 cal.

Anneb8 profile image

Thanks for the replys, I have to disagree I think 1400 is plenty, I went off the Nhs direct for it, and struggle to even reach that target even when eating 3 meals aday!

I have done lots of research and it really is confusing, one says something is good next it's not, so ive decided to just eat all my meats, with lots of veg and smaller portions, and excerise 4 days a week, as well as my usual running about I do, I've cut out rice n pasta white bread chocolate etc and allow myself a treat once aweek,

I'm waiting for a place on "choose2change" group and still rolling the Nhs 12 week program, thanks everyone I rewally appreciate all your advice

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