just joined up today.. got 6 stone to lose!! obviously im going to need some help and support with such as long way to go.
Hi : just joined up today.. got 6 stone... - Weight Loss Support

Hi welcome and same here I've got about 5stone to lose, going to be a long road but with a group like this we get a lot of support, I am currently staying under 50 grabs carbs, and my calorie for the day is 1400' been just over a week now and keeping on track, using a smaller plate for my meals as well, reading so many tips off here which is really helpful
Good luck to you on this weight loss journey
Well done on deciding to change !
Good luck. There is one word that will get that 6 stone off... Motivation.
Rather thank searching "how to lose weight" you should be searching "How to improve motivation/Self Motivation.
I have 10 stone to lose so you are 4 stone ahead of me I am trying the 12 week plan so will be with you on your journey
Good luck on your journey I have a long way to go too, but its doable. As judah said motivation is key. Stay positive
Good luck. I have lost 3 st in 5 months on this plan. If I can do it, anyone can. It does get easier and the support you will get on here, will help to keep you motivated. Set small targets, this makes your goal less daunting..
Hello all - I have 2 stone to lose, so not as much but it can feel equally daunting, so the 'small targets' philosophy is a good one. I'm an emotional eater - anybody got any tips for overpowering the feeling?