Hia, a month ago I started taking orlistat from the doctor , but realised that at 42 and 15stone with arthritis in my knee I didn't need fat pills I needed a whole new way of life! So I researched and went for it.. 35 days ago and I've lost just over a stone, been again to the doctor today and declined more orlistat as I can obviously do this without costing the NHS an extra £60 a month!
I've gonna from about 4000 calories to under 1000 basically overnight, bought an electric treadmill as walking far wasn't an option , although this is improving , what's made me annoyed is as excited as I was when I went to the doctors , having tracked everything that I've eaten and really pushing myself physically , she weighed me and when I declined more she commented that' you'll probably need more if you're going to have surgery (on my knee) in September '...
I don't know anything about nutrition etc, I'm going on the 'eat less move more' theory, somedays I only manage 500 cals and then I burn off 200... In my mind I should have lost more weight doing this... I need educating clearly ..please xx