Today is the first anniversary of me deciding to lose weight. I hit my goal months ago but as this date drew nearer its been on my mind.
As I was heading home from my morning exercise I was thinking I ought to share some of the positives that losing weight has provided to me in the hope it might encourage others. Far to often we are subjecting to the negatives of being overweight and the difficulties that people experience. I decided it might be helpful to present some of the positives.
- I have more energy (physical and mental) which means I am able to do far more than I could when I started
- I am much less tired both physically and the sleep kind
- related to the above, despite still being more physically active and devoting time to exercise most days I actually have more time, I think i gained about 2 - 3 hours a day from not sleeping so much
- I look and feel better (now if only my hair would grow back!)
- I buy smaller clothes and am able to buy nicer ones too as choice is wider in middle sizes - I am still tall!
- I am more confident and happier
- I think being less tired has improved my cognition - that is I got smarter!
- I have more money from spending less on food - which is good since I needed to replace my wardrobe at least twice!
- Best of all, due to a number of these I think it helped me to get a better job.
The simple truth is that you won't believe just how great losing weight can be for you until you try.
Best regards,