I have recently been put on mirtrazapine and am worried that one of the major side effects is weight gain. I just wondered if anyone had actually managed to lose weight on it?
Is anyone else on mirtrazapine? - Weight Loss Support
Is anyone else on mirtrazapine?

My husband was on it and gained weight but the second he came off, he lost all of it and more. He found it difficult to control his appetite and despite trying to diet kept eating the wrong stuff. He's notso food cconscious though and just went with the fact that he was hungry so ate you may have more success.
Yes I am and I am gain weight
I've been on Mirtazapine since December 13. I get weak and shake if I don't eat as soon as I'm hungry. I'm not a big eater but boy... this sure does pile the pounds on.
Hi 81anthea,
As always, I do recommend that people who have underlying medical issues discuss their weight loss issues with their GP / consultant / whoever both from the point of view of how their condition and any medication regime might impact upon their weight loss efforts and, vice versa.
Depending upon various issues, it might be possible for your doctor to prescribe a different medication that might have less impact on your weight gain - but that is really something that needs to be worked out between the doctor and patient on a case by case basis.
Thanks, I think I'm going to talk to my gp about this as I need to see her in 3weeks anyway. Just hope I don't balloon too much in that time.
Jelly babies!
Doikosp is right.. If you have a good gp/ health professional,they should be able to prescribe something more suitable. However it may take some time to find the right one for you. But persevere.
Thanks for your reply. I will look in to changing my diet. I've just been diagnosed with underactive thyroid. So tapering off current meds. Inc Mirtazapine and Sertraline.As they contribute to the problem. So tired lol... hope the diet change helps!
I was put on this 2 months ago and have gained 1 stone. (I do take other medications too) not a big eater and I eat quite healthy really salads, rice, pasta and noodle based foods. its just I always feel hungry so I nibble and the nibbles are sweet foods, I have had a strange taste since starting them. I took myself of the pills yesterday when my monthly prescription ran out. Lets see.
Well week one and I've actually lost 2lbs despite being on this
I think anticipating the low blood sugar levels in advance has helped as I've really focused my diet on long acting carbohydrates and filling proteins.