I need motivation!!! Been doing my fitness pal on and off for years but need to kick start myself again. Likewise with shredding, done it last couple of years, so I thought if I write down I need to do it, I can't back out!!!
Anyone had success with 30 day shred?? - Weight Loss Support
Anyone had success with 30 day shred??
Hi Sezgil,
Sounds like a silly and unsafe idea to me. You're body isn't particularly well adapted for rapid changes in body weight and indeed, I'd say as a general rule, fast weight loss, especially if followed by weight regain is probably more harmful than just leaving the excess weight where it is.
Oh, and very often rapid weight loss IS followed by weight regain.
Generally, the recommended rate of weight loss is of the order of an average 1 to 2 lbs a week. For sure, people who start weight loss regimes, often lose weight a bit faster in the first week or two due to fluid loss.
Remember, at one level, any fool can lose weight quickly - just stop eating and drinking. But doing that is neither safe, nor sensible. It'll result in some pretty immediate problems, e.g. feeling dizzy, headaches, faint, etc., and some medium and long term ones too.
It's important - especially when your reducing your body mass - to ensure you take in the full range of nutrients. Your body's weight management systems, e.g. fat burning, fat storage, feelings of hunger, feelings of satiation, etc., are mainly controlled by a number of hormones and your body needs to taking in the building blocks of these.
I know we are bombarded by the "lose 20 stones in 0.05 microseconds" type of adverts in terms of weight loss, but then again a lot of people in banking told us how important it was for us to sign up to PPI not all that very long ago.
Really, if you are overweight, you are probably overweight because you eat too much (portion control / frequency of meals) and/or eat too much of the wrong types of food (taking in too much fat / sugars, i.e. higher calorie food).
The name of the game is to change your eating habits and up your exercise / activity (because that has a beneficial effect on the hormones). If you don't fundamentally "re-train" yourself to eat differently you'll just regain the weight again.
The free 12 week plan you can download from the NHS live well lose weight web pages, sounds a much better thought out, and safer, way to address your excess weight.
Good luck with your weight loss efforts.
Thank you
I tried it and I personally feel its a bit extreme on the body..I have only tried losing weight once so far and I did weight watchers myself at home and I lost 1st and 6 lb in 3 months...that was back in 2000 so now at 53 I really should try again especially as I have M.E and arthritis also Fibromyalgia so being overweight does not help one bit.
I must agree with what someone put earlier...the term obese should be enough motivation never mind health. all the best to all of you and I for one hope to report something good very soon.
Thank you and good luck for you
I really love the 30 day shred! Its a quick 20 min workout that can be fitted in. I have never got to level 3 I will admit, however after a week you will be doing level 1 a piece of cake and be seeing body changes! Its not for everyone but I do love it!
What is shredding?
It just an excercise DVD, Corfumay.
Thanks for your reply Shelsibells, I've only managed 2 days so far this week!!!