Oh and which are the best scales to use? I have a weight watchers one but I don't know which is accurate? The one in Boots has me at 4kg heavier than my home one?
Hi everyone! Am I the only bloke on he... - Weight Loss Support
Hi everyone! Am I the only bloke on here?? Anyway I am starting the 12 week fitness plan on Monday. Is anybody else?

I know there are some other men on here although I am not one of them. My home scales were weighing me 7lb heavier than the ones at the gym so I got weightwatchers ones. They are better but not as good as the gym ones. It doesn't really matter your exact weight within a bit of tolerance as its the loss that counts. Good luck with the plan I found it really good.
I am a bloke lol, there are a few of us. I use weight watcher scales an found them very accurate, I have tried them against the doctors scales and got the same. I am in week 4, using a calorie control diet, also going the the gym and doing c25k on the treadmill. I am also using the fittness pal app. I am loosing every week. Welcome.
Hi BarryP - sorry not a bloke but as far as scales are concerned I wouldn't worry that much about them as they all say different weights, difference between my scales and my GPs is 3kg, luckily to my benefit at the GPs. As long as they can display the weight going downwards that's all you need. Another way of judging your weight is by your clothes. If they're getting looser (as mine are - yippee!) then you're losing. Best of luck and perseverance is the key even if it all goes haywire now and again. There must be some blokes on here. Hope you find a buddy.
My height is 5.1 feet , weight is 62kg. I really want to reduce my weight , yeah I know, its not a big number but the problem is I have disability , so its hard , any away I decided to try this time,I need a push always.. hope we can do it together good luck
Hi BarryP, the scales I use are by Tanyo there electronic and measure BMI as well as weight. I've had them a number of years and found them very reliable. Haven't used weight watchers or Boots scales. Also I started the 12 week fitness plan 8 weeks ago...I've lost a stone which I'm very pleased about. I have combined it with the C5K podcasts as well as regular 1-1.5 hours walking my dog 4 times a week, yoga and strengthening exercises. I've found the plan pretty easy, I've been strict on counting calories and weighing and measuring food. Good luck, just remember to stay focused on your goal...I always try and picture myself slim which keeps me motivated when I'm temrpted to grab that bar of chocolate or extra glass of wine :o)!!
Hi BarryP,
1) not by a long chalk!
2) any working scales are fine really. Weighing human bodies isn't a fantastically precise thing. Personally I prefer a digital readout (my eyesight isn't what it used to be!) and I prefer to do things in kilograms. If you want one of those clever things that does all sorts of other things as well as tell you your weight - then that's up to you. There's plenty of them around.
My own faithful set which has seen me through my weight loss journey were about £20. I think I got them in Homebase or perhaps Argos - can't remember now.
Do make sure your zero-ing them properly and that they are on a hard level surface.
Good luck with your weight loss efforts.
Hi, yes, also planning to start Monday, if I can download it! I think get better digital scales, and make friends with them. Good luck. By
If you use the same one every time you weigh then as long as it's going in the right direction it won't matter sometimes there might not be a weight reduction so a tape measure is good to keep a track of waist and neck size