The week before last I was all excited I'd finally found what would work for me! I started started losing weight quickly, without too much effort. I did a bit of exercise, stopped any recreational sugar and didn't eat between meals. I knew my diet was healthy normally and I lost about 5 in 4 days (mostly water obviously). So, I'm all gung-ho. And then the bombshell!
Although we are definitely not trying this month, I find out that I'm pregnant. We're really happy about that and it's wonderful news, however, I cannot diet now and my enthusiasm is waning.I did want to lose weight to get pregnant. I know, I'll lose weight anyway over the course of the pregnancy. I lost 2.5 stone last time (and then ate my way back up)
What can I do to keep myself very healthy over the next few months to change future habits?
My mind is wondering, whilst my body is trying to decide if it wants to be sick.