Just don't know what else to do... - Weight Loss Support

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Just don't know what else to do...

wolfgirl023 profile image
10 Replies

Hey guys,

I have been over weight my entire life and have struggled with it massively. I am well educated in what I need to eat and try my best to do this, I have always tried to keep active as I don't drive and there's very little buses in my area.

It just seems I have tried everything from weight watchers/ slimming worlds and over last few months just leading a healthy life style rather than following a strict diet.

Everything I do either maintains or I lose very little weight, then I have one day off and bam gained it back plus more.

I've been to GP's before who have told me "don't come to me for any sympathy or looking for a magic pill, the only way you will lose weight is if you force your body into starvation mode as that's just how your body is"

He obviously understood that losing weight for me was really hard from explaining my situation and possibly something is wrong but refused to offer me any insite or help towards losing weight and just pushed me away.

I just don't know what to do anymore I don't feel I can trust a GP to help and I am so tired of seeing my belly. I have been fat my whole life I would love to know what not being fat felt like and feeling healthy felt like.


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wolfgirl023 profile image
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10 Replies
Teaholic profile image

Hey. I was a skinny kid but have been over weight most of my adult life. I’ve had hypno, crash diets and diet clubs. Got down to slim again then after a while I’m back with the belly. You’re not alone. I qualified in diet and exercise! I’ve found weight stays off off you lose it slower. Eat foods you like but ask yourself if something highly calorific is more important than losing weight. You’ll get there. Stay positive. Xx

in reply to Teaholic

Hi wolfgirl023 . Welcome to the forum. Someone from the admin team will be along soon to welcome you formally.

Your GP sounds awful. Totally out of touch with what is going on. How arrogant and ignorant to assume you want a quick fix pill and not advice as to how to take control of your own health.

You have come to the right place here, because the forum is a lovely, friendly and knowlegable place.

Many folk on here have lost huge amounts of weight and changed their lives.

There is no 'diet', but it does help to educate yourself about what you eat and drink and how it affects us. If you have a good knowledge of your own nutrition then you have choice.

Some people count calories and some have cut right down on grains and starchy things. What seems to be the unifying theory in regard to success is forum participation.

Im sure admin and the other members will point you in the right direction with some links very soon.

This time next week you will be well on your way!

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Teaholic

Good advice about reducing weight slowly. Recommended weight loss is 1-2lbs a week. Anything more and our bodies think they are under attack and the body's metabolism changes accordingly. The metabolism slows down so that it doesn't use so much energy and it becomes more efficient at storing food as fat.

This is why harsh diets tend to fail and why people end up putting on even more weight.

NSNG-am profile image

You and the rest of us have been given terrible diet advice for our entire lives which is why nothing seems to work. Eliminate grains and sugar by eating low carb and healthy fats. This is the way we are supposed to be eating.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to NSNG-am

Sound advice NSNG-am.

Did you see BlueMat's post yesterday about low carbs plus it had a link to the BBC program that was aired a couple of days ago?

Tiggerr profile image

Hi wolfgirl and welcome.

The reason many of us have turned up here is because we thought we were well educated in what and how we should eat but as NSNG-am has pointed out already, this isn't the case.

You may get this link from an administrator when they give you an official welcome but it can't harm to have it twice :) phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...

It's a bit boringly heavy to start with but I guess it has to be so that we understand the provenance of it's conclusions.

Good luck with your journey :)

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone

Hello, wolfgirl023, and welcome to the forum :)

You've had some lovely, supportive and constructive replies so I hope that outweighs the unhelpful response from your GP.

I'll raise one thing that you mention in your post, that you know what to eat and do your best in that area. If you've been doing your best, then it's not you that's at fault, it's the plan that you've been following. Logical :) I (like many others) thought I knew what to eat and just needed more willpower. Turns out I was on the wrong track and I now eat very differently from two years ago.

Tiggerr has given you an excellent report to read. Keep it and come back to it. If you don't have time to read it all now, just look at the chapter headings and they will point you in the right direction. This post links in with it healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

You've turned a corner by coming here. This post explains how the forum works and how to find your way around healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... I recommend joining a weekly weigh-in and using the Daily Diary.

You will have received the advice about online privacy and security with your welcome message: please refer back to it as I see you have not locked your post.

I hope you become an active member of the forum and we see you at one of the weigh-ins over the weekend :)

wolfgirl023 profile image

Thank you so much for the replies everyone :) I'm going to take everything you guys have said on board and not give up :) xx

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to wolfgirl023

That's good to hear, and I hope you'll make the most of being a forum member :)

S11m profile image

Hi, wolfgirl023 , Welcome.

Medics think they are "well educated"... but much of what they have been taught is nonsense.

Ever since Ancel Keys' biased "Study" in the 1970s the WHO, SAD and NHS recommended diet has been High-carb, and this has caused the obesity, diabetes etc. epidemic.

I was about three stone overweight for decades, and then put on another stone and a half after a bereavement... but I lost four stone in a year.

Cut down on Grains, Potato and Sugar... and do not eat junk or diet food.

What works for many of us here is a combination of the Low-Carbohydrate, High-Fat (LCHF) diet (see the forum here on Health Unlocked) and Not Eating All Day aka Intermittent Fasting (IF). See:


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