I think I may have PCOS I've not had my period since feburay that lasted 4 days, I have excessive hair on my face, chest and belly and very over weight but I'm afraid to go to the doctors what should I do??
Help: I think I may have PCOS I've not had... - PCOS UK (Verity)
You need to see your gp as they can point you on the right direction and give you yeat and a scan to confirm you have got it.
I have got pcos and got all the symptoms you have said.... when I went to my gp she said that I need to lose abit of weight as I am on the plus size.... but there is no real treatment for it ( that's what I got told ). Just dont make the mistake i done and shave your excess hair it will grow back twice as thick... I'm living with it now lol. X
See your GP. Ask to be referred to an endocrinologist. There are many medications that can improve your symptoms.
Hair doesn't grow back thicker if you shave it. That's a myth. I have a biomed PhD. There are lots of hair removal options available aswell as a cream that might help reduce the growth. And anti-androgens will help too.