I am 100% not complaining about this but... I have always had ridiculously heavy periods (wearing 2 night time pads and having to change them every hour), also lasting a minimum of 12 days.
I have been on Letrozle for months (TTC) and it has actually worked for the 1st time this month (I have come on my period without taking Norethisterone). I am waiting for my 1st IVF appointment but my consultant told me to continue with the Letrozle until then (just incase of some miracle haha).
But last month after taking Norethisterone I had 2 medium flow days and the rests was really light (basically spotting) and my period only lasted for 5 days. This month obviously I am over the moon that I have come on (even though because of my Endo my uterus feels like it's trying to escape), but my period is basically no existent...
Should I be concerned? Is there a reason for this?
Thanks in advance, x