Hi all,
I’ve come on here to hopefully find some answers or some guidance of what may be happening to me. I am 21 years of age and for most of my life struggled with my weight at my biggest I was 148kgs at the age of 18. I used to have a lot of irregular periods, excessive hair growth, heavy bleeding and severe pain before periods. When I was 18 I got gastric sleeve surgery and have now lost 84kgs, my periods became regular and the pain did reduce so I didn’t think much of it.
Two months ago I started getting serious pain in my right side, feeling nauseous constantly, constant cramping and was told by a GP to go to hospital as it was appendicitis. After waiting 7 hours in emergency and several blood tests I was sent home with no answers. For the next 2 weeks I was getting constant blood tests ultrasounds on my whole upper half with no results. They have now resulted it to IBS, I have been given medication to take for that with very minimal success.
What I did take note on my ultrasound notes was that my right ovary was bulky? And 2 20mm follicles found. Is this something to be concerned about?
It’s been two months and I have lost 13kilos due to nausea, the pain is still at the same stage and nothing seems to be improving.
I hope I can find some sort of understanding here as I am very lost.