G'day Folks,
As the title suggests, I could do with a bit of advice (and perhaps some good ideas for alternatives if that is how it needs to be). I've been vegan for a little over five years now. I don't regret a moment of it. I used to say, the hardest bit was my gluten allergy. Unfortunately, that hasn't been the only issue for me. I've now come to the rather upsetting conclusion that I need to hand in my vegan credentials (at least for a while).
It turns out, that courtesy of my family genetics, my body doesn't absorb iron properly. Therefore, when I switched to a vegan diet, I slowly lost the stores of iron that I had. Around the time that I was trying not to fall asleep on my motorbike at 50mph, I had blood tests which revealed that despite everything else being perfectly normal, my iron was nowhere near where it should have been. I then moved from the 20mg vegan iron tablet that I had been using (the strongest I was able to get over the counter) and moved to a 400mg tablet each day. I had to take that for 9 months before my iron levels showed any signs of improvement.
Since then, I've spent the last two years taking these same tablets (400mg each week, and not only has my iron level still come down again in my most recent blood tests, I've continued to fight with the tiredness. To the point that I'm overweight because I eat extra to try and give myself additional energy. The iron medication is also not doing my tummy any good at all.
It's also affecting my mental health as the additional weight is causing pain on top of my PTSD and Anxiety disorders. I've come to the hard decision, to reintroduce SOME animal products into my diet. At least while I try and get my Iron levels to behave. Unfortunately Iron from animal products absorbs that much easier. Half the vegan iron foods are not possible for me. I can't eat many of the fortified foods because of my Gluten Allergy , I struggle with beans as even after all this time, they still make a mess of my digestion (I eat them as often as I can but it's usually just black beans and lentils in small quantities)
I'm starting by reintroducing eggs. I'm getting them from Organic producers only as my research points to this being the best option. I'm hoping this tips the balance and means that I don't need to go further. I'll never eat dairy. As far as I'm concerned, they are worse than the meat industry ever could be. If I do end up eating meat again, I've been seriously thinking about where that comes from. I became vegan primarily because of factory farming. That will continue to be a driving factor for me.
I'm not entirely certain why I'm saying all this. As I said, I don't regret being vegan all these years. While I regret having to make this decision now, I don't believe it's the wrong choice at this moment in time. Perhaps when my health has improved, (or the iron tablets are more effective) I will try again. I don't consider this a failure and I haven't stopped caring about animals and the way they are treated. Perhaps I'm writing this for anyone else who struggles and doesn't know why. Perhaps it's because I have on occasion heard people within the vegan community be quite judgemental regarding people who cease to be vegan and I wanted to give my experience. I know I'd certainly like to see if others have been through a similar process and how they overcame this issue.
Finally, I'd like to say to people who are thinking about joining the vegan community, please don't be scared off by what I've written here. I have a number of issues going on, not everything is explained above but it has all played it's part in where I've come to now. Being vegan not only opened my eyes to what animals have to go through, it has also shown me that just how much I can do to make a change. Even the time that I've been on this path has saved lives. By making the choice I made to become vegan, it has an impact even now because the animal options that I eventually settle for, will only compliment the vegetables on my plate rather than the other way round. Had I not started this journey, I'd still be eating meat and dairy in large quantities without giving it a moments thought.
Well, I think I've bored you all to tears now, so I'm sorry for that. I'll still be here, hopefully with more energy to try all the yummy vegan recipes. Perhaps by the time my health improves, I'll have found a way to get back to vegan.