I'm so glad I'm now a Vegan - Vegan Foods for Life

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I'm so glad I'm now a Vegan

24 Replies

I had a look at a video that was an attachment to a Veganuary email that was sent to me. Although very short it did show some images which are upsetting but fortunately not too many. This has definitely made my mind up that I have done the right thing by going Vegan.


I became Vegan for health reasons i.e. I have IBS and I feel so much better but it's the fact that I can look at the animals now and know that I do not eat their meat or drink their milk.

24 Replies
Kitten-whiskers profile image

This is fantastic news, I am so pleased your feeling better. I watched one documentary years ago and it haunted me and still does, although I didn't see all the documentary through the looking away and the tears but since then I have not been able to watch another one. I sign all the petitions.

The animals are treated appallingly and it certainly makes me wonder about the people who can inflict such pain and misery.

Sorry for the ramble, it makes my blood boil. I am so please for u, keep up the excellent work xx

in reply to Kitten-whiskers

Yes I'm feeling alot better thank you, there is no way on this earth that I'll consume any animal derivative ever again.

Totally agree, they are so upsetting to watch and even though the video was short it makes an impact.

I've always loved vegetables, lentils, beans and many other plant based foods, I was the child that you didn't have to say to 'eat up your veg and you'll grow big and strong'.

Vegan all the way😀 xxx

JAS9 profile image
JAS9 in reply to

LOL Me too! I was famous for saying things like "squash is better than ice cream!"

in reply to JAS9

Couldn't agree more, raw fruit bars amazing, so much better than chocolate and homemade, can't believe changing put me off chocolate. Lentils and beetroot, don't even go there, love both😀

Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskersAdministrator in reply to

Fantastic, Itsa winner on every level. Meateaters always say to me "well what do you eat" but I bet I have much more variety then alot of them. I think maybe a little more education and to show what these beautiful animals have to go through.

You have done brillantly and reaped the benefits 😊 I am so please for you xxx

in reply to Kitten-whiskers

Thank you and it certainly is. Totally agree with the education re animals. How did I ever eat meat!

More cashew but milk to make today along with my fave raw fruit bars - yummy😁 xxx

Kitten-whiskers profile image
Kitten-whiskersAdministrator in reply to


in reply to Kitten-whiskers


JAS9 profile image

Thanks for this. While it's true that many of us become vegans for health reasons, I think that many of us realize that staying healthy in both mind and body means caring about our world, including the suffering of animals and the environment.

Instead of thinking of our health as being separate from the health of the planet, I think that it's one unifying desire to be the best we can be physically (by eating vegan), the best we can be emotionally and spiritually (by being vegan), and the best we can be as a society (by helping others to be vegan and "signing petitions"). They are all linked and the same.

in reply to JAS9

Oh how I totally agree with you, particularly as a healthy planet is definitely linked to our health in mind and body. The awful chemicals in our atmosphere worries me greatly. I cycle alot but the exhaust fumes from buses lorries, badly tuned cars and old cars really do worry me. The powers that be need to worry more.

I do sign many petitions.

Hey thats great Alicia I'm so pleased for you and VFL...😀

in reply to

Thank you Jerry I couldn't go back to consuming any kind of animal. 😀

Brightfeather profile image

Excellent news. Well done!

in reply to Brightfeather

Thank you😀

benwl profile image

That's fantastic news about your IBS and experiences with being vegan. I probably won't watch the video because I don't generally watch videos, preferring to read, but I've read lots of harrowing and distressing accounts of animal treatment.

I went to the slavery museum in Liverpool recently whilst on holiday and one thing that struck me very clearly was that those of us who are vegan are on the right side of history.

If we take all the progressive changes that are being fought for - abolition of slavery, gender equality, freedom to marry whom we choose (or not), human rights for all and so forth - animal rights takes its place amongst them.

It may take many generations, but one day our decendents will look back and wonder how on earth we permitted the raising and slaughter of animals for food - and I'd like my great great great grandchildren to know which side I was on.

JAS9 profile image
JAS9 in reply to benwl

Too bad you don't watch videos. "Carnage" depicts this beautifully by showing us a near-future in which the children can barely fathom what had been normal for the previous generations. They are gentler, kinder, non-killing humans. Marvelous.

There's a lot more to the movie which is, in some ways, a dark comedy as it shows the insanity that is "normal' today but from the perspective of the fully Vegan future.

in reply to JAS9

I'm going to have to watch that one. Killing in whatever way or circumstance isn't good.

in reply to benwl

I'm so happy that I've changed and am now Vegan. I was worried how I'd get on without dairy and am having no problems.

Yes what you and see about the treatment of animals is awful.

Yes in years to come I do wonder how much meat will be consumed. Years ago I thought Vegans had a very restricted diet and were actually quite unhealthy oh how things have changed.

Agoodenough profile image

You should be proud of yourself Alicia as you have done well to make such a change in your life style and stick to it as you didn’t know how easy it would be and to be honest it’s really not that hard once you get in to it is it. I found quite quickly that I didn’t fancy things I couldn’t have once I knew what was in it as it put me off and there is an alternative to most things. I saw a video of a mother being attacked and then the calf by two men and I will never ever go back to being part of that. You’ve done well Alicia 👍🌱🐖🐂🐓🐐🐄

in reply to Agoodenough

Aww thank you Ali, that's lovely what you've said. It certainly was a fairly big decision and that was because of having IBS.

I've had Cavelo Nero tonight, first time I've had it, and my tummy is playing up so I think that may be a no no for me. Honestly though there are many other things I can eat.😀

I can look at the animals I know I'm not contributing to their pain, I couldn't go back to having any kind of animal derivative.

Onwards and upwards.😀

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to

Oh no. That’s a shame. It’s delicious as well. I totally agree. Yes, onwards and upwards! 🌱🙂

in reply to Agoodenough

I know and I'm pretty sure that's what it was as everything else I'd eaten I'd had before.

I'll have a look at the Vegan Fodmap diet. I'm now enjoying a mug of stomach ease tea.😀

andyswarbs profile image

If you have IBS I would strongly recommend Gojiman on youtube. He has some really helpful videos.

in reply to andyswarbs

Thank you for that Andy, I will definitely have a look. Appreciate you sharing.

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