After reading Andrew Irving's post last week about watery eyes and the operation he had, has anyone else suffered from this and what remedies help?
I have wg and have sinus problems but lately my eyes water badly which is affecting daily life.
After reading Andrew Irving's post last week about watery eyes and the operation he had, has anyone else suffered from this and what remedies help?
I have wg and have sinus problems but lately my eyes water badly which is affecting daily life.
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Jump to repliesI can't find that blog jeang when was it on?
I have had WG for 4 years now and suffer from a blocked tear duct and have sinus problems. In the cold it leads to toothache.
My left eye has a build up of water and I have to constantly rub the corner of my eye to release the liquid, this is usually a green gunge. I need an operation however after speaking to several doctors they said the operation would be pointless as I would need it doing every 3 years.
What I try and do now is keep the eye from getting an infection and drain it twice a day, previous to that I was forever on anti-bioctics and dropping the azathioprine.
In the period when I believe I first had vasculitis and before being diagnosed, I developed very runny, watery eyes and nose. I had an operation to enlarge the access to my tear ducts. This certainly alleviated the watery eyes very effectively but of course the nose is still very runny. Much easier to live with a runny nose than watery eyes!
Hi after a flare a few years ago, I found that my left tear duct closed up completely. My eye constantly watered. I ended up with an eye infection which turned into an abscess in the corner of my eye. It was very swollen and painful. I was told I would have to have an operation to make a new tear duct because this would recur. You rub your eyes and don't realise that you can be infecting your eye. Anyway I had the operation which involved a plastic tube being put through a hole made in the bone of the nose. It was sewn in place for 6 weeks. It was removed after that time and is fine now. There was discomfort during the 6 weeks as I couldn't blow my nose properly and I had a saddle nose and crusting problems, but it wasn't that bad. I am glad I had it done and took a long term view that it was worth it. I had it done in early 2009 and it has not returned.
Many thanks for your comments. It helps to know that you are not alone with this problem. After a course of antibiotics they do seem a little better but, of course, we all know they will return.
I have watery eyes and have been told they will not operate on the tear ducts until I have been clear of active WG for at least a couple of years (a long shot in my case!). I find that wearing glasses with a uv filter (prescription glasses and reactolights) helps enormously.
Thanks for that DavonLottie. I will certainly look into getting some uv filter glasses and see if that helps.
Hope you will be clear of active WG soon.