i am a newbie to this site , a bit about me back in march 2012 after moving home i got what looked like a pea size lump on right pinky finger which spread to my right middle finger , went to see my gp who gave me benovate cream and ordrerd blood tests , when i went back for results week later my hand was going blue/purple and was worse all blood test came back negative , went to see a dermotologist who did a chest x ray and a biopsy of one of the lumps x ray was clear but biopsy showed lymphocyte-rich dermatosis with perivascular distribution suggesting a lymphocytic vasculitis, my dermotoligist said it was a typical mild mctd i was then refrered to a rhemutologist who said he wasnt convinced it was ?? and said he thought my lumps were caused by inflammation ??? he did loads of blood test a echo heart test and a pulmbalory lung test on which i am awaiting results .my symptoms now are cold intolerance (just a drop in temperature makes a differance ) gooose bumps ,teeth chattering,cold hands still turning blue and cold feet , other symptoms are shortness of breath on extersion,pain radiating allover body eg knees one day, ankles next,calfs but if i walk its really bad , sometimes stabbing pains in feet at night time waking me up or keeping me awake , muscle pain ( if i hang out the washing my arms ache like ive been to gym) ,hair loss when washing or brushing , keep going warm and then cold like a mild temp, tiredness,
so my question is does this sound like vasculitus and if so what type do i have ?
naproxen 500g twice daily
amatriplityne 10mg at night
cream has been sopped not doing anything
was aslo on nifedine for two weeks but thats not doin anything either .