I used to find the posts from other patients very useful but now I don't see any, just bits to say it is Vasculitis Awareness month or something.
Where have all the patient posts gone? - Vasculitis UK
Where have all the patient posts gone?

Looking through the posts page, there don't seem to have been many from other members this month...
Hopefully, as the weather warms, they are feeling well enough to go out and spending less time online.
I think most people use the FB page
it’s vasculitis month and I personally find the stories inspiring.
Maybe we are all feeling ok at the moment ( fingers crossed)
Hi amms43, I think it goes a bit like this sometimes, I don’t think anyone is losing interest it’s more that people on here tend to say things when they have genuine concerns and our readers and participants don’t at the minute so some positives there.
Think there are less posts on other fora also. Think people are away more etc now.
Certainly the various Facebook groups all seem very active. Might it just be a sign of the times? Users perhaps find FB an easier format to interact with (and easier to find special interest groups) compared to a forum?
I prefer this forum, I don’t do Facebook, I have nothing against it and I know used in the proper way it can be a good thing but where we live through no fault of their own it’s quite an “insular” society having lived away from this area for 30 years you recognise it. The amount of people who have come a cropper and been hurt on FB that have been the victim of gossip makes me say I don’t need it in my life, besides that I am not interested in someone’s dog going to the vet or what someone is having for their supper. That’s just me.