Been searching this site and found tons of help. One on line person led me to john Hopkins site and this was interesting. I hope I am being proactive and not reacting out of fear. Elevated ANCA score, with symptoms that could be vasculitis or old age! When do you stop searching for an answer? This is what j. Hopkins says:
Asthma (after 8 months of antibodics and 10 months of sinus problems the dr gave me asthma meds)
eosinophilia [>10% on differential WBC count] ( my German score was 1:8 what is that?)
mononeuropathy ( not sure what this is will look it up)
transient pulmonary infiltrates on chest X-rays (clear chest X-ray)
paranasal sinus abnormalities(yes, palups in the sinus)
biopsy containing a blood vessel with extravascular eosinophils.(mine was inconclusive)
When do I stop worrying and going to the dr for a yes or no?
One advise I am taking from this site is to have another biopsy done. I go in November.
Question 2 are ANCA scores related to any other disease?
Looking forward to all of your professional opinions.