I have vasculitis, MPA, and have developed nostalgia paresthetica, (my own diagnosis). Intense itching on my back is driving me crazy. This has been going on for a few months. Does anyone have experience with this and advice to share??
notalgia paresthetica: I have vasculitis, MPA... - Vasculitis UK
notalgia paresthetica
I don’t know how old you are so I am not sure if this is irrelevant to you. I have MPA and have also developed itching. However I am 74 and the condition of my skin has deteriorated and become more lumpy(!). Apparently as you get older this can cause itching! I notice that if the skin crinkles because say you haven’t lying on your side all night that that can cause itching. It’s like helping that area to ‘wake up’ again. Anti histamines help but really it is down to mind over matter. Something to look forward to!
Hi Ginny, Unfortunately, I have no advice...but I wanted to thank you for writing/sharing. I too have MPA. For a many months ( years??...I lose track), I have been experiencing strange tingling and now itching on my back/ right shoulder blade. I have mentioned it to various doctors/specialists and it is always ignored. I have a previous cervical spinal injury so worried its related and perhaps indicative of a problem/deterioration in my spine. I had not heard of nostalgia paresthetica, but now I have noted that term and will raise it specifically with my doctors. I live in the UK, and while our national health system has a lot of good points, it does tend to overlook/ignore non critical issues. My vasculitis/MPA care, focuses only on critical lung/kidney issues...and there is no advice or even acknowledgement of other related issues. Wishing you all the best.
I also have itching in my back between my shoulder blades most nights. Recently I’m also having a bad bout of eczema or psoriasis or some kind on my face (mostly eyelids) and hands which is incredibly itchy. Sorry you’re experiencing intense itching but thanks for sharing as it’s easy to feel like we’re the only one experiencing it.