I have had GPA for 6 years and live pretty well now on a kidney function of around 25% (this having gradually increased from 2% when diagnosed). I have always enjoyed hill walking with my partner and with my local walking group. However for the last year I have had intermittent claudication in my left leg - tests have now shown that I have a 12 cm length of artery which is completely blocked. Keyhole surgery to insert stents is not an option meaning an arterial bypass is the only surgical solution. I have been offered this (although it isn't medically necessary at the moment) - on the basis that it is interfering with my lifestyle. I would dearly love to get back to pain free walking again but am nervous about the operation. I wondered whether any of you with poor kidney function had had this done and what the outcome was - I certainly wouldn't want to further jeopardise my kidney function. An alternative is to try to increase my exercise level (which is already reasonably good) to encourage new blood vessels to form/enlarge. I have started on this regime already but again a question - has anyone conquered their intermittent claudication pain by exercise alone? Look forward to hearing about your experiences.