Sorry forgot to add from my reducing dose of 10mg of Prednisolone consultant increased dose back up to 40mg which I continue to take. My weight over 7 months has increased by 3 stone and I know that will not help my breathing
Thank you again
Sorry forgot to add from my reducing dose of 10mg of Prednisolone consultant increased dose back up to 40mg which I continue to take. My weight over 7 months has increased by 3 stone and I know that will not help my breathing
Thank you again
Cutting carbs drastically has helped many patients on PMRGCAuk (who are all on pred and many at doses similar to or higher than you have been) to reduce thir weight gain and in many cases also to lose weight once they have gained it. It isn't a fad, pred changes metabolism of sugar, avoiding it helps and also reduces the likelihood of developing ateroi-induced diabetes.