Hi has anyone come across how they can check inflammation levels when on tocilizumab?
Checking for flare when on tocilizumab - Vasculitis UK
Checking for flare when on tocilizumab
They can do IL-6 levels but it isn't widely available and is expensive. Most go by the symptoms.
Hi I’ve been generally off for a few days, the GP has emailed rheumatology urgent yesterday but no response and they have stopped the patient help line indefinitely! Had bloods yesterday in case I had to restart pred.As expected crp normal but I did think it was interesting that feritin was elevated. The doctor hadn’t commented on this but I looked into it and it can be linked to inflammation.Not sure what to think
Ferritin is another acute phase reactant - like ESR and CRP.
You know that only half of patients on TCZ get off pred altogether? There can be 3 mechanisms causing inflammation in GCA - TCZ only has an effect on 1, production of IL-6. If your GCA has one or both of the other two involved, you still need pred. Biologics are extremely specific in their action - one thing, and one alone ...