what is the cause of "shiny" skin on both shins,lower front legs...is there any connection with Vasculitis
Shiny Lower front of legs: what is the cause... - Vasculitis UK
Shiny Lower front of legs
Yes. And, thickened skin, slightly reptilian looking, reddish, and hairless. Poor blood supply. Skin burns, tickles, prickles, sometimes pains deep, in the bone. Swollen. Worst case can loose serum through the pores of the skin, staining trousers etc. Not good.
Soak in a warm bath with powdered chestnut is good - powdered chestnut should be available from supplement outlets. Cool wraps on the legs. Walking to help circulation.
Take care -
Steroids can cause thinning of the skin.
Dear ehughes,
Since you asked, a simple question, here's a simple answer....YES. Steroids, can 'Thin' the Skin, the 'Delicate' Skin can Over Stretch and Dehydrate. My Dermatologist Prescribed, something called, ''Dermol 500 Lotion'' for me to Wash with. I simply use this, instead of Soap- though, I DO use Shampoo, to wash my hair and 'Midrift'.
I also am very Prone, to Cracked Skin, Athlete's Foot (this is never bl--dy ending!), Warts and Growths, not forgetting 'Endless' Skin Tags. ALL these, as a direct result of Immune Suppression Therapy, needed to Control Both my Vasculitis AND my Kidney Transplant. (which I had in July 2013)
I know, that 'Others' have already mentioned Blood Flow- or lack of it! Plus there are, very often, Continence Issues - along with Bladder, and Bowel, problems Aches/ Pains, Stiffness and, just to add to the 'Fun', Fatigue. All that said, you are ALIVE ehghes, how long were you 'Given'? A few Days, a Week, maybe even a Year? How long ago? In my case, almost Twenty- Two Years ago- how about you?
Please DO Feel Free, to contact, any of us again. I know that we would Love, to hear, from you.
Kindest Wishes
Hi Andrew,thanks for replying....I have got Dermol 500 lotion which I am applying liberally to the affected area.....I was given 2 days to live in 2011 was put on 80mg prednisolone and that save my life....we have to put up with the other symptoms but at least we are alive
Dear ehughes,
I had a 'Strange' feeling, that I was right about you only been 'Given', a short time to live. Call it Intuition maybe, just 'Recognising' something in the way your letter was composed....I just don't know, but 'Something'. I can 'Beat' you though ehughes….I was given an HOUR, almost Twenty-Two years ago- I'm NOT gloating though. I'm just Glad for us BOTH! 80 mg, of Prednisolone, WOW I 'only' had 60mg- that I can Remember.
You will find that, since most of us (All of us?) are in the same 'Boat', so to speak, that we may Collectively be able to 'Help' you ehughes. Certainly our Combined Knowledge is, at the very least, an excellent 'Resource'. Please DO 'Feel Free' to contact us further.
Kindest Wishes
hi Andrew thank you very much for your encouraging e mail,I get very depressed at times and wonder where all these problems are going to "end up"fatigue is one of the most depressing symptoms,but today I made myself go for a walk about a mile on the sea front <glass of wine half way through ,and felt much better fro the walk (not the wine)afterwards....I am determined to make myself take more exercise kind regards Elaine Hughes