Fungal nail infection. I have GPA. Condition originally affected lungs and kidneys. Have been in remission nearly 5 years, illness successfully controlled with Aziathoprine and Trimoprethin to reduce risk of lung infection. I have a couple of toenails affected by fungal infection, presumably because of weakened immune system. Currently being treated with various antifungal creams but since complete cure of condition can be hard am wondering about asking GP to prescribe drugs for the condition. I believe there are several of these. Does anyone know if it is safe to take these drugs when suffering from weakened immune system due to taking immunosuppressant medication? Any advice appreciated.
GPA/ fungal nail infection : Fungal nail... - Vasculitis UK
GPA/ fungal nail infection

I too get nail fungal infections. According to my Neurologist consultant the main cause is because I take immunosuppresants (MMF). The Dermatologist recommended Terbinifine ointment 1% which does work, albeit slowly, and there is always the chance of a recurrence. it is advisable to keep the nails short and clean and wash and cream the nails (feet and hands) twice a day, once in the morning and before bedtime. A bit of a faff, I know, but the regime in doing so does help. Also change your socks on a daily basis as they can harbour the fungal spores. I hope this helps.

I suffered with this, antifungal drugs are not nice, I was given Phytex Paint to paint on my nails. It has worked for me but it does take a long time.
I would be wary of taking tablets for this. I had a bad experience where they affected my stomach so badly I ended up in A&E.
I have had this too since I've been taking Methotrexate, and I've been prescribed Amorolfine which has to be painted on the nails weekly. Boy it's taking a long time, it's like watching your nails grow - literally! It is slowly working on one foot, but the other is proving more stubborn. I wear my slippers without socks first thing in the morning to avoid the cold floors in the winter so thinking the spores might be in there - eeugh!
Fungal nail infections are hard to treat at the best of times. Anyone on immunosuppressive medication is more prone to them and they are hard to irradicate. Most oral anti fungal medication can cause liver problems so it is not frequently used if you are on other medication that can affect your liver eg methotrexate. Topical treatment is the best but takes a long long time. A healthy nail takes 6 -12 monthe to grow.