.... going on Mycophenolate. What sort of side effects should l look out for.
Finished 7 treatments of Cyclo' .... ... - Vasculitis UK
Finished 7 treatments of Cyclo' ....

I did the same at the end of last year and you won't want to stray too far from a good loo as you step up the myco. dose, but your system gets used to it. You do get some stomach ache as well. It pretty side effect free other than that, but keep out of strong sun this summer.
I am on mycophenolate at moment no side effects 4 me but every one differs your consultant will give u a letter to read
Thank you both, l find asking on here about poss. side effects is sometimes better than reading the blurb but l still read it anyway.
Dear Simba1952,
Yes do read the 'blurb', as you so accurately call it; can't say that I have noticed any significant 'side effects', mind you I am on a fair number of drugs. All of these drugs can possibly cause anything form diarrhoea, along with constipation, to too much iron, along with too little in the blood through to too many, or too few red/white blood cells.........to name but a few possibles. Basically any drug can, and often does, have 'side effects' some people are more prone/susceptible than others. Some, like the shakes/tremors from tacrolimus, are so common it is extremely rare for someone NOT to get them! The only saving grace is that these symptoms wear off, in most cases, particularly as the dose is reduced over time. Certainly I don't have continuous shakes now, mind you I never really did. I have to say that I really don't mind - the drugs keep me alive! As you might have 'gathered' I have had a kidney transplant, last July actually, and all seems well, so far anyway.
Please do let me, indeed us all, know how you 'get on' will you?
Very best wishes AndrewT
Thank you AndrewT. Yes I shall update you as to how l get on with the new medcine plus the reduction of Pred', which ttriggered off the Dec' episode of loosing the periphery sight in my right eye; which has resulted in me loosing my driving licence after 43 yrs.
Glad you're keeping well after your transplant last year.
Hi Sima
I have been on Mycophenolate (2000 mg) now for 16 months and I have been pretty side effect free. As Jaydub says loose stools are a bit of a problem at the start but that side effect gradually wears off in time. If it doesn't then there is another version of the drug available which is more gentle on the gut.
Thanks Chris, its these little insights that make it easier to know what to expect when you start a new regime. Sally