Hi everyone,
I just want to say a big thank you to everyone for their advice and help when I have put questions on Health Unlocked in the last six months, in no particular order a personal thanks to:
John & Susan Mills
The reason behind this is that my Consultants, after a vast array of tests have decided I don’t have Vasculitis, although they don’t actually know what is wrong with me and have a working diagnosis of possible posterior ciliary occlusion (eye) plus I'm still having ear pain! I shall keep in touch as I am still trying to reduce the steroids and have a feeling this is going to take a long time,on this site everyone has their own theories on reducing these lovely pills; as I'm finding out that whenever I go below 9mgs per day - I did get down to 8mg for a few days - the ear pain comes back with a vengeance plus I’ve had to increase the Amitriptyline to 30mg per day.
Finally, a quick word about easysearch.org.uk and easyfundraising.org.uk , these two sites support various charities including Vasculitis UK. You will have to register of course and mention which charity you wish to support - Vasculitis UK of course - then every time you use the search engine it donates towards Vas UK plus if you regularly shop on line with Amazon, E-bay even Ancestry.co.uk, and register on the other website an even larger amount will be donated to Vasculitis UK.
Keep as well as you can all of you.
Sally x