I am currently suffering with a blocked feeling in my ears but had them checked for wax, a little was removed from both ears but it's made no difference. It is now making my tinnitus worse, does anyone suffer in the same way if so how do they resolve it?
Ear problems: I am currently suffering with a... - Tinnitus UK
Ear problems
I think there are a variety of causes of the ears feeling blocked and I have been through it myself. If both ears feel the same, this may suggest a common root cause, which may not be the ears themselves. It's probably worth speaking to your GP about it, although they are not always very knowledgeable or helpful about these things. I think they often suggest eustachian tube dysfunction. I was told to hold my head under a towel over a bowl of steaming water for a few minutes a couple of times per day. It might be worth a try to see if it brings you any relief. I also suggest you try applying heat directly to the areas around your ears (I have used a wheat bag warmed-up in the microwave).
I'm fortunate that I had an audiology review for my sudden hearing loss recently. I told them about my other ear being blocked now following an ear infection. They referred me to ENT. Unfortunately Theresa 18 week waiting list. In the meantime I'm doing what Fridays Child suggested with the bowl of steaming water to see if that helps. Good luck.
I've had issues but had some sports physio on shoulders/neck/base of skull and seems to have alleviated, also some acupuncture. I spend a lot of time at gym and this may be the cause, but the sports physio seems to have relieved the 'fullness' in my ear