I keep seeing ads to relieve tinnitus by putting patches behind your ears. I’m assuming they don’t work but has anyone tried them.
Sorry if this has been asked before!
I keep seeing ads to relieve tinnitus by putting patches behind your ears. I’m assuming they don’t work but has anyone tried them.
Sorry if this has been asked before!
There is no cure. So no a patch won't work
yep that’s what I thought. Thanks for replying
utdmad says there’s no cure. The exception is dragons’s blood, which works for some people.
Don't work, they felt hot on my skin, thought then they must be working lol
Ive had tinitus for 42 yrs since the onset of a tumour, I get thru it by gettin thru it, weve all tried, nothing works but if u av normal ear tinnitus not like mine, try massaging ur neck, do head movements up down left right holding 20 secs at each movement. its easy to say just get on with lifebut say, urnot takinme over matey?..also say, I am not the only one?