hello, I’ve had tinnitus for almost 10 years. I have definitely habituated to it over those years where it didn’t bother me. For some reason I’ve really let it get to me tonight. It’s all I can hear even over the tv 😭 am I going to have to habituate again? It’s making me panic
tinnitus bothering me after 10 years - Tinnitus UK
tinnitus bothering me after 10 years
No you won't have to start again as you have all those years of experience dealing with it. Just consider this a blip and try to manage your stress/anxiety/overwhelm that comes with this flare up. Take care
My journey has shown me that there will be periods of habituation, escalation and habituation. Currently, I’m dealing with a thumping noise (not pulsatile) in my left ear that is, if anything, more unnerving than the high pitched ringing and whooshing that I’ve normally dealt with. However, I have developed some coping mechanisms, especially over the last year, involving stretches and neck and jaw massage and relaxation techniques that I’ve found online. Do some searches and look for some exercises that will work for you, be proactive in dealing with it. I know that it’s challenging, but try not to give into panic. Work toward the point of acceptance that there will be difficult days, that they will pass and better days will come.
Hi Amyleeh
Same thing happened to me earlier in the month.
it’s a blip and you will re adjust using all the experience you have under your belt.
Have you had any extra stress/anxiety recently? Important to address that if you have. This is what is working for me
On watching TV, my tinnitus started off profound and if I was going to escape it while watching I had to use wired in headphones. (Bluetooth if you watch in company). A good investment, for if tinnitus was to leave me tomorrow I'd still continue with them. Many programs are broadcast in the stereophonic, and if you like the arts channels and music, this effect is all but lost on just the TV speakers working.