Woke up this morning with a huge spike in my tinnitus. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Tinnitus Spike: Woke up this morning with a huge... - Tinnitus UK
Tinnitus Spike

hello Bbcoach. You are experiencing one of the many ways in which tinnitus can really get us going, Going mad, I mean …..
Have a look at the replies made to the post entitled Sleeping a few hours ago. Poor sleep is another of the manifestations. But it all comes down to habituation- getting your body to accept and indeed ignore the tinnitus.
CBT, breathing techniques, sleep ‘hygiene’ - all different ways to cope . Have a look at the website of Tinnitus UK for more help.
Thank you for responding. I will check out the Tinnitus Uk website. I was working with a therapist who was helping with some CBT methods. She has since left the company she was with. I have a consult with a new therapist this week. I was just wondering how others have dealt with tinnitus spikes. Thanks again.
I hope other posters may give you their hints and tips -:but from what I’ve seen on my years on this site, what works for one doesn’t work for another necessarily. But seeing a therapist is a very good step and she should be able to give some pointers.
Hi BB. Keep calm and carry on is my advice. I have regular spikes - usually if I'm overly anxious / upset /tired. My last spike was mid June and settled after two weeks or so. I go back to basics - relaxation and breathing techniques etc. You literally just have to wait it out. Unpleasant I know.
Thank you for your very good advice. There is a lot of stress in my life right now with my wife having some serious health issues. Hoping the consult with the therapist will help. It is comforting to know that I am not the only one who has had these issues with spikes in their tinnitus. Thanks again.
I'm sorry to hear your wife is unwell. I can imagine it's not easy for you just now. Talking always helps. I did a course of CBT a couple of years ago. It was very helpful. I'm talking to a chaplain at the moment. Very good too.
Hello, I did not gain anything from speaking with a therapist (CBT). It just made me tired. I actually dreaded going in the end. I stopped. Sure, many reap benefits of sharing and finding some tools to deal with anxiety. The therapist (I have seen a few) did not understand. I have found forums, ultimately, the best as people have direct experience. There is less judgement and more empathy. Again, just my experience. I wish you well BB
CBT is useful for some, in my experience CBT was one of the key parts to my recovery. I do believe though if CBT is tried, its best to find a CBT provider who specialises in Tinnitus.
Forums as you say can be useful but can also scare the hell out of you as it will be full of horror stories. I advise anyone looking at forums to look at the success stories that are generally lower down in their own section.
Online support groups like the ones that Tinnitus UK as these are also full of people with direct experience and empathy.
I found over time my spikes would last less as my body would get used to them and be less anxious when they appeared. They always went away and back to my baseline and as you experience more they become more of an annoyance than cause anxiety.
Hi Darren, have you managed to habituate to T? I can’t actually imagine this happening for me. My T is persistent, so don’t know if habituation is possible in my case. I’m 18 weeks in so far. Both ears, 24/7 ringing. Started aggressively. No hearing loss. I try to keep busy, but overwhelmed by the fear of T.
Hi Sassyjax1,
Yes I would say I am 99% habituated to the T. My T was persistently there but would also fluctuate wildly in tone and volume but over time and with the use of CBT, hearing aids and relaxation I have overcome it.
Habituation is possible and probable for most people and removing the fear of T is a big step in speeding up the process.
Thanks Darren. I don’t have any hearing loss. Mine came on suddenly after an op 4 months ago. It started loudly and couldn’t hear anything above it. Constant droning and banging. That dropped down to what I have now which is a continual ringing/whistling in both ears. I can’t hear it when outside or when driving. Environmental sounds cover it adequately. It seems most problematic at night or in quieter places. I have started CBT only yesterday - but she’s not a tinnitus therapist - they are too far and few between. Have been offered amitryptaline 10 mg
I would be happy to recommend a tinnitus focused CBT lady that I used if that helps. I had sessions with her over zoom and worked well for me. Let me know and ill msg you direct.
I cant comment on any medicine as I did not take any myself and obv not medically trained.
Time will be your healer also so focus on getting through each day but not comparing each day. Compare your month by month progress and see if you notice any improvement. You will.
another thought. There’s been chat here about forums. Please bear in mind that the majority of people who have tinnitus, spikes or otherwise, manage to habituate and they are NOT necessarily on these forums at all. In other words, you may hear about the bad bits far more than the good bits, so beware.