It is 5am and i have not slept at all now for two nights running... using a sound machine does not seem to help , is anyone using sleeping pills ? if so which ones and do they have side effects ? ive been trying herbal Kalms night but dont seem to work for me........
No Sleep: It is 5am and i have not slept at all... - Tinnitus UK
No Sleep

I find eating a bowl of cornflakes always helps me get back to sleep or try a hot mug of those instant packet soups . Also try making a hot water bottle ! That can be very comforting . Just made mine and going back to sleep now .
Sleep bad doesnt due to Loudness T
4 months ago
4 Replies
Good news from tinnitus cbt book
Living Well with Tinnitus
of the night, and achieving restorative sleep. About 70 per cent of patients seeking help for tinnitus report some form of sleep difficulty. But it is not clear whether the degree of sleep difficulty is related to the loudness or quality of the tinnitus of whether it is related to the psychological impact of the tinnitus
In a study conducted in our clinic in collaboration with the Universities of Nottingham and Cambridge, we assessed whether the loudness of tinnitus was related to sleep dis turbances (insomnia), based on data for 417 patients. The analysis showed that the loudness of tinnitus is only indirectly related to the severity of insomnia. In other words, louder tinnitus does not necessarily lead to more sleep disturbances The severity of insomnia depends on the amount of depression and annoyance caused by the tinnitus. The more depressed and annoyed a person becomes due to their tinnitus, the more sleep disturbances they tend to experience. According to the theory behind CBT, emotional disturbances such as feeling irritated or depressed are not directly due to hearing tinnitus but rather are the result of our thoughts about tinnitus and its impact on our behaviours. Therefore, in order to reduce tinnitus-related sleep disturbances, we need to manage our thoughts and behaviours. This is the aim of CBT for tinnitus as described in this book. Listening to music or background noise at night-time is an avoidance behaviour, and it does not address the key cause of the sleep disturbances, namely the tinnitus-related negative thoughts. In the chapters on treat ment, we discuss how to use CBT to sleep difficulties. manage tinnitus-induced
Take a look at Phenergen - OTC from the pharmacist. I took it for a while. It does help. Leaves you feeling a little groggy for the first few days and then it gets to be a groggy 20 minutes or so on waking. Worth it for a solid 7/8 hours sleep.
It helps you re-establish normal sleep patterns and then you can discontinue it.
Please check with your GP/ Pharmacist about any other drugs you're using, etc.
Hi is Phenergen a herbal med just for sleep... Ive tried Kalms seemed to work a bit for the first night then no help...
No, it's an anti-histamine with mildly sedating properties.
See here:
My hubby has been taking 30mg Mirtazapine before bedtime for several years to help with sleep he has severe tinnitus and has no side effects. Speak to your GP.
I have just found that drinking Horlicks before bed or a cup of Roobois tea helps. Haven't had a full night's sleep for 12 yrs. Good luck
My Dr has just prescribed Promethazine 25mg to use every now and then if I’ve had a bad few night.
I find white noise machine by my bed generally helps
Hi. First off before I offer all I have from this hectic sleeplessness experience that is tinnitus. I really sympathise! Since the up-tick in my tinnitus I too have had entire nights when I literally don't sleep a wink. It has made me very depressed, because I've never had sleep problems before, even with years of being a tinnitus sufferer. 1st question they always ask at clinic is are you able to sleep, and I have always said yes. Until 2 months ago that is. I've marked my diary with nights when I have still been awake as the sun was coming up. Its wiped out the following day and I haven't been able to meet commitments and had to cancel things. It's happened 8 times. I will say that getting worked up about it definitely makes it worse. Obviously don't drink caffeinated drinks. I have tried Kalms and Numark Sleeping Aid for 3 weeks. They give me a cracking headache and have residual effect so I take them at about 9pm. I've had some success getting to sleep with them, but you're not supposed to use them more than a few weeks anyway. Haven't tried phenergen. Sleeping Aids give me a weird startle reflex like being hit with a cattle prod. So not ideal. I have mirtazapine on prescription, which I haven't taken yet because although some people claim success with it on this forum, some people say their tinnitus got worse with it, and I can't risk that! So the best route for ne seems to be the non drug route: CBT, but it's hard to do that without professional guidance and the NHS wait is 3 months in Norfolk. I would suggest you self refer yourself thru the NHS well being service in your areas ASAP. Some people say it didn't help, but I would say sleeplessness is awful, so give it every possible shot. Alsom there are apps that provide masking sounds, like Quieten and Resound, and you tube sites like Dalesnale and Treble Health that relax you enough to get to sleep if you find one that masks your particular tinnitus well. The advice is to play them through your Bluetooth hearing aids if you have them (very uncomfortable when you put your head on the pillow though, as they dig in) or a mini speaker or soft headband with speakers, but not headphones. You need ambient sounds to be detectable. I just want silence sometimes, so much, that I can't bear to listen to maskers, but they have worked well on occasion. I actually managed to get to sleep a couple of nights this week by listening to undemanding narration on the radio (a podcast about something or other on BBC sounds, and using their meditation podcasts too). Regulating your breathing to deal with the panic tinnitus engenders is something that meditation helps with. Going to bed the minute you feel sleepy is easier if you shower change for bed and brush teeth etc earlier than usual. Then you just get straight into bed, no faffing around. Last night I got to sleep at 11. Then woke at 3 and hooked-up to John Suchet, the actor, narrating the Gospel of John. No hearing aids, screaming high pitch static tinnitus going on, but I just listening to the Good News being read in a beautiful comforting cadence and I actually fell asleep again just as Jesus was taking the boat to Galilee! What I'm saying is, I'm waiting for an MRI - can't speed that up. Waiting for ENT. Can't speed that up, I've tried. Waiting for CBT. Can't speed that up. So I have to try anything that's manageable to stay sane in the meantime. The tinnitus may not be louder per se at night, but it certainly seems louder! Ive cried my eyes out. Makes it worse. Once the floor. Makes it worse. You know what doesn't work so you have to try what might. So. Bed routine, masking, listening to things that comfort- not current affairs for sure! No caffeine. And trying really hard to tell yourself it's going to be okay. Others have habituated to the racket and sleep will return. It's possible. Shit out negative voices. And keep your chin up! 🙂
Thankyou.... ive had T for 15 years now , a month ago had a Holep prostate cancer opp.... the antibiotics they flushed through me and gave me to take have doubled my hissing and screaming in my head... probably had it in one ear and now in two... it is since this doubling in noise that i cannot sleep.. three nights in a row now just been sitting or laying down just hoping i will drop off but morning comes and no sleep....tried Kalms.. no sleep just make me feel sick , been prescribed by the doctor yesterday promethazine hydrochloride , having read the side effects im a bit scared to take them but need to do something im like a Zombie at the moment... getting scared to go outside to yet alone drive..oh dear oh dear wish i never had the opp now ..
So many drugs seem to make existing tinnitus worse. I wish Id never taken atorvastatin. Same reason. Have you experimented with different sounds to listen to? I didn't find the sound machine helpful either. When I'm awake all night I try really hard not to sleep during the next day, so that I just about collapse into bed the next night. The body has to give in eventually. Are you under the ENT at your hospital. They have audiology clinics that can fix you up with various devices to try. The soft head band with speakers costs about £11 on amazon. You shouldn't be left to struggle with this on your own. Tinnitus is a medical condition, not an unfortunate nuisance. Ask your GP for a proper ENT referral and explain the severity of the sleep problem. And practice self care!
yes i agree... i really needed the prostate opp but now wish it had never happened and my T was back where it was , fairly loud but i had got used to it and it did not bother me.... my doctor found i had an ear infection in my left ear.. been putting drops in it for a week, went back to doctor yesterday and she said it had cleared up but now got to put oil in and have ears vacuumed out privately with microsuction as no longer an NHS problem... side effects of that could be worsening of tinnitus !! so scared to have it done .. until i do she wont refer me to ENT even then she said min of ten month wait.. i dug out a sound machine which i bought 15 years ago when T first started after taking a cold remedy .. only one i can listen to is raindrops.. even at full volume me hissing and whining drowns it out... she issued me with promethazine hydrochloride for sleep but bundles of side effects .. scared to take that too.... cor what are we supposed to do..... doctors dont know either, just want you out as they cannot really help it seems ..
I think we have to hold on to the hope that we've habituated in the past to the tinnitus we initially developed, so we'll adjust to this new version that's cropped up too. Do some research on the ear treatment. Maybe ask about it on here too, see if you can get a statistical likelihood of the procedure making it worse. Make an informed decision! Good luck.
* shut out negative voices! Typo 😄
I now follow a strict sleep hygiene routine, something I never needed before developing Tinnitus and Restless Legs Syndrome—lucky me. My routine includes a hot shower, followed by a hot foot soak with Epsom salts and magnesium. I also watch Dr. Mandell's videos on reducing tinnitus and do the various techniques he suggests and applying sleep acupressure points on the hand. To aid my sleep, I use CBD oil and Piriton. Some days I sleep like a baby, others I still get disruption due to either tinnitus of RLS. Oh and during the day I fit in a brisk walk either 5km or 8km depending on how much time I have, Yoga once a week and I will be trying cold water swimming soon too. Habituating is the key.
It's like an overwhelming urge to move the legs, often accompanied by uncomfortable sensations such as crawling, creeping, pulling, throbbing, or itching in the legs, which typically occur when resting, especially in the evening or at night. It's less when I've done a lot of walking or jogging. Also, the tinnitus is way less when I'm out running/walking or doing Yoga, but that's because of all the background noise I guess.
Hi, I’m currently taking 15 mg of mirtizipine at nighttime purely for sleep - couldn’t be without them !