Hi, since having a bad cold approx 11 weeks ago I've got a feeling of pressure in my ears. Normally my tinnitus has been in the background. Now I have another sound as well as the normal sound. I am very aware of both these sounds now and it's freaking me out. When I see ENT next week I'm hoping that once my tubes are unblocked the tinnitus will blend into the background. Any one had this happen?
Blocked eustation tube, causing tinnitus spike - Tinnitus UK
Blocked eustation tube, causing tinnitus spike

if your tubes are blocked this is always going to change your perception of the sound. When they become unblocked again, the sound is likely to vary considerably as your brain will be seeking a noise. It should all calm down in due course and I’m sure ENT will tell you all this. If not, ask.
Same thing just happened to me. I have some hearing loss anyway +T so it was rough. The ent doc gave me a nasal spray for my hay-fever and a salt water spray with aloe Vera. These did the trick.
Hi, yes I've been using beconase which my GP said to use. So annoying having to pay to go private as it would freak me out wanting for NHS. How is the tinnitus now your ears are unblocked?
I Have this every time I have a head cold your inner ears block up with flem which results in hearing loss which increases the sound of the tinnitus it's a case of waiting for the flem or fluid to find its way out of the ears via your throat, it can take any time from 2 weeks onwards but once you are feeling better it will clear up, you can get a ball of hot water with a towel over your head and breath in the steam or have a hot bath. I am going through the same thing at the moment having just had a bad virus and my tinnitus has been very loud, I am feeling better now and l think my tinnitus is starting to calm down I can feel the flem trickling down my throat at times so hopefully that will help the tinnitus get back to normal as yours will eventually.
You can buy a device called Otovent, it’s designed to clear fluid from the inner ear and eustacian tubes, Amazon sell them or your Dr can prescribe one, they aren’t expensive. It’s basically a balloon you inflate with your nose. You can read the reviews on Amazon. You may find it helpful.
Morning Flowers
I had Eustachian tube blockage last year after a bad cold, and then T started couple of months later and never went away something I just got used.
Eustachian tube tool awhile to improve still present now a year later however symptoms not severe where my hearing reduced a lot. I did a lot of steam inhalation, mouth exercise like your yawning to help open tubes up. It slowly decreased symptoms.
However since few days ago a new sound has kicked an my emotions are everywhere I can't cope with this new intrusive sound it sounds like a steam train best as I can describe.
The Etd should settle anything to decongest, and opening mouth exercise help to open tubes. Should help.
Any questions just ask ☺️
Hi, its horrible when a new sound comes in isn't it. I got used to my T, but following blocked tubes I hear this new sound. It certainly messes with your emotions.
I've got this tool called otovent but can't get my left ear to pop.
Take care.
My tubes are blocked and I think this when T started. Any ideas how to un-block? I have been told not to hold my nose and blow like when clearing after a flight as this makes it worse. I have no wax and have seen ERNT who prescribed Nasonex for 3-maoths.
hi did your tubes unblock? Mine have been blocked for years in the right ear can't shift it,tried steam and blowing balloon with my nose,hope you had better luck.
Hi, I still have a pressure feeling moment one of my ears. I had a grommet fitted last year but it made it worse so I had it removed. At moment I'm having a tinnitus spike which I hope will settle.