I wish people would stop and think before they say “tinnitus is almost always harmless or not serious “. Tinnitus can cause severe stress, depression and anxiety. It causes social isolation, destroy relationships and marriages. It can prevent parents interacting with their children properly. It means people cannot listen to music or the TV and radio properly. It can be severely debilitating. It can lead to suicidal thoughts and yes actual suicide. It can cause unemployment and the poverty that goes with it. TINNITUS IS ALWAYS SERIOUS. If we go round peddling the idea that tinnitus is harmless, how the dickens do you expect the government to spend any money on research???
Choose your words carefully. : I wish people... - Tinnitus UK
Choose your words carefully.

Yes this is such as downplay even gp or audiologist said headche is just we feel tinnitus distress, t doesnt cause headache itself
Some toxic positivity is awful especially some psychologist or audiologist who claims to have loud tinnitus and overcome so easily if u can live withit
From cbt tinnitus book
Just think B instead of A
Living Well with Tinnitus
Tinnitus makes me feel tired, as I cannot sleep well at night. Tinnitus is a terrible disease with no cure!
I am lying down and con despite hearing tinnitus. This is the second best compared to a deep sleep. Resting helps to energise me. Even if there is no cure, I can still live well with tinnitus
A Tinnitus affects my sleep and concentration. Hence it reduces my efficiency. I can no longer be in control at my workplace.
I can concentrate on my tasles most of the time. I can do whatever I need to do despite the difficulties caused by tinnitus. This makes me feel strong.
A.Tinnitus invades every aspect of my life and makes me feel useless.
Tinnitus is present most of the time and is a nuisance Regardless of tinnitus, I can do whatever I need to do. This makes me feel useful.
4. A I make lots of mistake coz of my t
I can do most things as well and accurately as I used to before I had tinnitus. It may take me slightly longer to complete my tasks. It is OK to double check my work for accuracy. My performance is intact despite tinnitus.
Tinnitus is like a fog that affects my performance.
I can see, hear and think even when I hear tinnitus Loud and clearly.
Good news from tinnitus cbt book
Living Well with Tinnitus
of the night, and achieving restorative sleep. About 70 per cent of patients seeking help for tinnitus report some form of sleep difficulty. But it is not clear whether the degree of sleep difficulty is related to the loudness or quality of the tinnitus of whether it is related to the psychological impact of the tinnitus
In a study conducted in our clinic in collaboration with the Universities of Nottingham and Cambridge, we assessed whether the loudness of tinnitus was related to sleep dis turbances (insomnia), based on data for 417 patients. The analysis showed that the loudness of tinnitus is only indirectly related to the severity of insomnia. In other words, louder tinnitus does not necessarily lead to more sleep disturbances The severity of insomnia depends on the amount of depression and annoyance caused by the tinnitus. The more depressed and annoyed a person becomes due to their tinnitus, the more sleep disturbances they tend to experience. According to the theory behind CBT, emotional disturbances such as feeling irritated or depressed are not directly due to hearing tinnitus but rather are the result of our thoughts about tinnitus and its impact on our behaviours. Therefore, in order to reduce tinnitus-related sleep disturbances, we need to manage our thoughts and behaviours. This is the aim of CBT for tinnitus as described in this book. Listening to music or background noise at night-time is an avoidance behaviour, and it does not address the key cause of the sleep disturbances, namely the tinnitus-related negative thoughts. In the chapters on treat ment, we discuss how to use CBT to sleep difficulties. manage tinnitus-induced