Just wondering if anyone has tinnitus that changes in volume. Mine goes from pretty loud to barely there. At the moment it's quite loud. Thing is there doesn't really seem to be any reason for this- not stress related or anything. It seems to follow a pattern of being loud then gradually getting quiet over the next few weeks then after a couple of days of being hardly there it's back with a vengeance. I have to say I have habituated and accept it, I'm just curious that's all
Volume changing: Just wondering if anyone has... - Tinnitus UK
Volume changing

Mine changes over time, and sometimes quickly. But in some ways I'm habituated to it, though it's generally loud, and my hearing loss is now classed as severe. I would suggest that if yours varies significantly there may be a "medical" reason fore it. Have you mentioned that to your audiologist or doctor?
I meant to say mine changes a little bit over time.
I saw an audiologist a few years ago as it had suddenly got worse after covid. I had a scan then and was told everything looked normal. Haven't seen anyone since
Don't forget that medical knowledge of both hearing loss and tinnitus advances all the time. I recently received new hearing aids, and after just 4 years with the previous ones the tech of new ones is streets ahead. So if as you say, your last consultation was several years ago, it could be well worth another visit to the doc or audiology. I'm in the UK by the way where health care is free, but they do sometimes have long waiting lists.
I have pulsatile tinnitus the ENT Dr. told me "there is nothing there." Is my brain is empty ?😱
It does change all the time when loud, my hearing is poor, the crickets cover the sounds. When tested by an audiologist, I asked if the appliance suggested would cover the tinnitus, she said no, so I too said" NO". I was and still am not sure that I want to hear everything. One year I kept a diary noting the barometric pressure, the weather, the level of pain because I have chronic pain; fibro, low BP will pump up the noise. When high, it does affect my mood, I found that when my brain and my hands are busy, with painting or drawing or coloring, lately, I got hooked on coloring books, my brain (still have some brain cells)😁keeps my crickets low. I am habituated by now, but when loud or very loud, I am not easy to live with, hubby is very patient with me. He too has some disturbance in his head following a head injury years back. We make a good pair except that our noises are not the same.
We are all different, and I would never dissuade anyone from further investigations / medical advice, but speaking personally after getting on for 25 years of T, mine has always risen and fallen cyclically in loudness. Like yours, it goes from barely tolerable to very quiet (it used to stop entirely, but that is rare now), and then returns. In my case the return is usually during the night or on waking.
Reading these forums over a long time, one comes across every variation in loudness, spatial location, pitch, character, with an isolated tone, or many simultaneously - all of them (so far as I can tell), harmless except in the anxiety and distress they cause, and many of them unpredictable in every possible way,
Kind Regards.
Mine gets worse stressed, its fairly loud now as I'm going through a pretty stressful period in my life.
Its been suggested I see a therapist to to see what triggers it.
Yes. I have heard loss. and I have also habituated and accepted but it still comes occasionally. It can linked to lack of sleep or such but sometimes it comes really loud as you say and then goes. It’s also sometimes just a sound or more of a vibrating sound.
Yep - up and down like a yoyo. Some days it's "full fat" loud hissing, crickets and digital-sounding bleeps and blurps. Other days - like today - quiet, quiet, quiet.
The only thing that I think effects volume is barometric pressure changes. As a general rule - when the pressure is on the move the T is loud. Once it's stabalised - like it has now down here in South of England - the T goes to sleep.
No other experimentation has ever made the slightest difference - mood, stress, diet, sleep patterns, etc.
mine gets loud when there is noise, if im talking it gets louder or when i get up and move its louder but if i just sit it calms to a level where i forget its there, and sometimes when i wake up in the morning its so quiet i think its gone, but then as soon as i climb out of bed and start moving its loud again, especially when i flush toilet the the tinnitus gets worse.
I'm in the same class. But variating on a shorter timescale. Over a day it seems , not days. If anything I'm comforted by that. When it's full on (as now) it won't be shortly and I won't have to wait too long. The other thing ("oh no, he's going to mention his success with Ginkgo again!") is I wouldn't think Ginkgo would work on a constant pitch tinnitus. No backing behind that thought, mind. I just have doubts there.