Please can anyone help?Had tinnitus really loud in right ear for a few years.
Spreading to my right side of face and giving me blurry vision in right eye.
Quite scarey
Please can anyone help?Had tinnitus really loud in right ear for a few years.
Spreading to my right side of face and giving me blurry vision in right eye.
Quite scarey
Hi Rekw,
I am pretty sure that, before going any further, everyone is going to ask whether or not you have reported the blurred vision to your doctor / optician? I believe that in some circumstances T may cause / be related to dizzy spells / imbalance, but I have never heard of it causing blurred vision. As it happens I have a cataract (soon due to be removed), in the eye corresponding to my worst T ear, and sometimes it feels like they are colluding to make me miserable, but the cataract has no other connection to the T. Do please get your eyes checked.
Sounds like it could be Acoustic Neuroma. Get it checked out. Your doctor will send you for a CT scan or MRI. Go to A&E if you're really worried - peace of mind.
Yes, great advice. I would also say have an MRI or CT scan.
I think you should see your doctor or go to A&E if your surgery is closed take care and let us know how you get on.
That doesnt sound the normal type of T. Get it checked asap. Could be another problem not related to T.