Hello ... I am a new member to this chat line. I have terrible Tinnitus in my right ear as a result of a grommet insertion 3 years ago. Since then I’ve had 7 operations on my ear , the grommet in and out 3 times , a stapadectomy and I’m onto my second Cochlear implant . I have pain in my right ear but the ringing is very debilitating. I’ve tried patches , but they were a waste of money. It ramps up at night and when I’m stressed which seems to be the usual pattern. It never stops throbbing. If anyone can offer any advice I would be very grateful . 😊
Hello from Jenny in Western Australia - Tinnitus UK
Hello from Jenny in Western Australia

Hi Jenny,
Welcome to the forum. It seems like you have a lot going on aurally and I wondered if you're aware of the Australian Tinnitus Association?
There's a link on their website looking for volunteers for a clinical study - I've love to get involved in something like that myself, but I don't think they'd cover travel expenses from the UK!
Hi Ruud... thanks for your reply. Yes I have been in contact with the Tinnitus association in Australia... they are very good. I will have a look at their website.. would be interested in taking part of a case study. I’ve had some bad luck, as I also have a lot of pain. I just take each day as it comes .... love music and podcasts now ! I hope one day someone will come up with something! Jenny
Hi, did you have tinnitus before you got the grommets in?tinnitus so unpredictable mines is up and down all the time, since I came back from holiday 6 weeks ago it has been very loud.doc say it was due to flying with sinus problems and now might have fluid behind eardrum,but just have to try and accept this is going to be my new noise but it isn't easy just to get on with it. Hopefully some day they'll be a cure for all of us.
Thanks Michael
Hi Michael... thanks for your reply. No ... I did not have Tinnitus before the grommet ... I was perfectly normal, which is frustrating. With all of the operations it’s made my Tinnitus worse, so don’t have any ops if you really have to. I hope your Tinnitus isn’t permanent, the more I think about it the worse it gets. I must admit though, I am getting more used to it. I’ve spent a lot of money seeking cures, but nothing has helped so I’ve given all of that up now. I also hope one day they will find a cure. I hope you get some relief. I can’t even enjoy a glass of wine anymore!! But not giving up coffee !
Take care... Jenny 😊
Hi jenny, I think we've all tried everything to cure ourselves.the reason why I asked had you tinnitus before the grommets is because I have some fluid left behind the eardrum after flying with a sinus infection and I thought grommets would be the way to go to get the fluid out but might just give that a miss.i'v had tinnitus since March and hyperacusis but around June time my tinnitus didn't bother me until quiet rooms but since returning from holiday at the start of August my tinnitus has been relentless.so had to be sinus that made it worse.its such a deliberating condition. Take care
Hi Michael .its good to get a reply and know that I’m not alone. I absolutely regret having the grommet put in and all of the surgeries following as I know it’s made it so much worse. So if you can try to avoid it. But I’m not a Dr and you may be okay. I’ve bought patches from Norway and I think I said previously spent a fortune on trying to cure it. I did try a hearing aid with a Tinnitus masker in it, which may help. How is your hearing? I’ve been through some dark times , but managed to push forward , I luckily have a great family and friends who have been very patient. I have found the British Tinnitus Association to be great. One thing that I think did help a bit was trans cranial massage... might help a bit. My Audi keeps telling me they are working on a cure ...will get the champagne out then. It’s our grand final in football today ... very exciting!
Hi jenny, it is great to have this forum so we can all chat and give each other advice. I have no hearing loss so they won't give me a hearing aid or masker.if they get a cure they'll be some champagne bottles opening around the world that day.i just can't get to grips this time with it because it's so up and down.stress is definitely a big problem.take care and have a nice weekend.
Thanks Michael
Hi Michael... don’t worry I’m not going to plague you all weekend! That’s a shame in a way you don’t have any hearing loss. I have a Cochlear implant which does mask the Tinnitus to a certain extent , but still if I remember the Tinnitus was nowhere as bad then as it is now. I wish I had just left it alone. It’s constantly on my mind and for awhile there I was up until all hours of the night searching for answers , my audio told me off and said stop doing that. ( nicely) Stress is bad along with tiredness and unfortunately alcohol, but I still drink and suffer later. I sleep with white noise and actually sleep ok now . Everyone says to keep busy which I agree does help. Try to relax, find some good podcasts and have a beer!!
Hi jenny, it's good to talk to people with the same problem.keeping busy is good.i would be grand I think if the noise would just stay the same but this constant change in noise and loudness every hour is doing my head in.i used to get these spikes that would go loud and then go back to Base level after 5 seconds.its just a disaster the whole thing.i must get back to the gjm to see if that will help.
Thanks Michael