I was almost surely diagnosed with tinnitus after seeing a couple of doctors but I'm experiencing things that make me positive I instead just have my Eustaquian tube closed either by wax or mucus from a large series of un-properly cured colds.
1. I've been having this mucus sensation in the back of my throat for months.
2. I'm told I don't have wax excess time and time again but I feel my ears closing, opening and popping either randomly by themselves or from physical things like yawning, swallowing or even my posture. When I do the blowing nose thing the right ear interior feels drastically different to the left one, don't know how describe how it sounds but it feels different, like far more "full".
3. Got tested and I don't have any hear lost even tho I've been listening to music and YT in rather unhealthy volumes. But how I perceive sounds has been changing in the last few months, sometimes I've been hearing better, sometimes a little worst.
4. The sounds have been mostly on my right ear, the left one started to feel like I could hear my pulse or something (as in the right one), but stopped last night while doing exercises I've learnt are good to open the Eustaquian tube.
5. The ringing in the right ear continued, accompanied by the pulse thing, but it fluctuates either randomly or by doing this exercises. It doesn't go away but sometimes I hear different things, sometimes one more than the other, sometimes it's just my pulse.
6. The ringing feels always like something it's not properly draining, like a blowing thing, like my pulse. It "trembles", it doesn't feel like one static. It feels like it's related to my pulse somehow.
7. Both yesterday at night, and the night before that, for about 30 minutes it felt like literal air was coming out of my right ear. Not like a feeling infused by the sounds I was hearing. It felt like literal air, a very little stream.
8. I got told to use a nasal spray one of the first times I got to the doctors. Even tho I ended up thinking I definitely had tinnitus I've been using it for a couple of days. Yesterday night the ringing felt worst until I used it and started to do the exercises for the Eustaquian tube. Again, the pulse on the left one stopped completely, the pulse and the ringing on the right one remain but got significantly better.
So, my question is... Could I have chronic tinnitus nonetheless, or should/could the proper opening of my right Eustaquian tube make it go away? I think it could be both, but the sounds either changed or felt so significantly better after doing those exercises. Am I unto something?